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Features of information and analytical supply of analysis of agricultural market
The article covers the process of statistical observation in agricultural statistics of Ukraine. It is established that the statistical data are based on the reporting of agricultural enterprises and is the basis for the compilation of 19 statistical forms, namely 9 year, 1 semester, 2 quarter, 7 months.
It has been found that product balances are calculated for the most important products annually, quarterly and monthly at the country level. Balances in terms of agricultural enterprises and households are in the regions. In product balances, an assessment is made of output, intermediate consumption and value added. Different methods have been formed on the basis of calculations of the basic statistical indicators of production of crop and livestock production.
In the analysis of statistical reporting, a list of shortcomings in the objectivity of the reflection of transformational changes in the domestic agricultural sector of Ukraine is distinguished. When conducting the All-Ukrainian Agricultural Census, it is necessary to allocate from the whole set of farms of the corporate sector of the agrarian economy a group of subsidiaries with the use of an expanded system of indicators that will allow them to assess the state of their resource potential and development prospects, to conduct a comparative analysis with other subjects of agribusiness that are not part of agroholdings and other agro-industrial associations.
In the course of the research it was discovered that agroholdings and other agro-industrial associations are not subject to statistical study, but their activity plays an important role in agricultural production. We consider it necessary to develop the legal regulation of the activities of all members of the agroindustrial association for the analysis of their activities as legal entities on the basis of consideration of consolidated financial statements submitted by them to the State Statistics Service of Ukraine.
It has been established that the agricultural census is an indispensable element of agrarian statistics, since it is not possible to obtain the most complete and detailed information on the current state and prospects of the development of agricultural business entities, the availability and use of their resource potential without end to end, which will eventually allow them to form an effective agrarian and food policy.
The study found that the structural indicators of gross output and gross value added of agriculture is affected by the fact that the level of current prices used in calculations of household products by 30-40% higher than the price level for similar products of "non-financial corporations" of agricultural purpose . At the same time, differences in current prices in the regions of Ukraine also lead to inequality of physical volumes of production and value added; therefore, it is necessary to improve the work of the national accounting system for the formation of common comparable prices for agricultural products and to evaluate the volumes of production and value added on the basis of special calculations.
We believe that in order to avoid problems arising when calculating cross-sectoral comparative analysis, it is necessary to improve the informational and methodological support of dynamic characteristics of gross value added in comparative prices.
The priority directions of improvement of the current methodology of food balance production in accordance with international standards have been formed, namely: further work on the methodology of calculating the level of consumption based on the balance of food resources in accordance with international standards, including determining the level of consumption in terms of nutrition elements; revision of the coefficients of conversion of food products into agricultural products, taking into account changes in the technology of its production; Expansion of the existing system of balance of food resources, etc.
We believe that the lack of necessary opportunities in the development of statistical support for the functioning of the agro-food sector of the economy is due to the lack of financial resources for the collection of primary data.
The main reasons for the weakness of the development of agricultural statistics are established. We believe that it is necessary to establish a systematic assessment based on the use of the system of identical international criteria, which would help to carry out a detailed diagnosis and analysis of current statistical opportunities for each country.
We have proposed the need to create an analytical center under the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine, which will ensure the integration of all state information resources about the country's agroindustrial complex, the creation of a single automated system for collecting and detailed analysis of data on the state of the domestic agricultural sector and agricultural infrastructure, forecasting the development of agricultural markets.
Key words: agro-industrial associations, infrastructure, food balance, added value, information database, analytical center.
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