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Directions improvement of state regulation of the sugar market
The article summarizes the features of market relations in sugar beet subcomplex to identify the main problems and their solutions. Much attention is given to the experience of the EU sugar market regulation and expediency of improving the system of quotas of sugar beet and sugar in Ukraine. The study found that setting quotas for production and supply of sugar to the domestic market contributes to balancing supply and demand. We considered legislative regulation of the sugar market in Ukraine. It found that Ukrainian sugar factories can produce up to 3.5 million tons of beet sugar. These volumes are fully provided by production facilities, favorable natural and climatic conditions, fertile soil and crop farming. One of the starting points of further revival of the sugar industry is increase the competitiveness of the sugar and intensify promotion it on foreign food markets.
Global trends and perspectives of development of beet and cane sugar are reviewed to the definition of Ukraine on it. Production and consumption of the sugar beet subcomplex are monitored. The comparative analysis of quota "A" and actual sugar production during the 2000-2012 marketing years is done. It was found that in connection with the accession to the WTO Ukraine has committed to annually import 260 thousand tons of raw sugar cane on preferential terms. Import duty is set at a reduced rate of 2% of the customs value at the rate of 50% of supply in the economy. It is found that the existing capacities in the value of 312.57 thousand tons of sugar beets per day allow processing more than 27 million tons of sugar beet and produce around 3.3 million tons of sugar. Sugar production quotas "A" in the context of growing beets regions of Ukraine in recent years are analyzed. Results of the study demonstrate that a quota "A" among 15 areas in 2010 performed only by Zhytomyr, Ternopil and Chernihiv regions; in 2011-2012 there is a full implementation of the volume of sugar production quotas "A" with the exception only of Ivano-Frankivsk and Kirovohrad regions in 2012. We have substantiated the conceptual foundations of economic regulation of sugar beet production and sugar market at the national level which facilitate effective functioning. The research of the sugar market conditions is performed taking into account external and internal environment. The dynamics of change in the total production capacity of refineries operating in Ukraine for 2000-2012 years is showed. It was found that since 2000 there has been a decline in production capacity of sugar factories and in 2012 amounted to 212,88 thousand tons of beet processing per day and used by 0,95%. It revealed that the total production capacity this year decreased by reducing the number of employees of sugar factories (63 plants against 77 last year). Some sugar factories have increased its daily capacity and increased the number of working days.
It was found that the state price regulation of sugar provides that minimum and maximum intervention prices for sugar. Meaning of state price regulation is to implement the Agrarian Fund of state intervention in volumes can establish equilibrium price at a level not less than the minimum intervention price and not higher than the maximum intervention price. The volume of the formation of public intervention fund sugar is analyzed. We compared dynamics of average wholesale prices of sugar with minimum and maximum intervention prices for sugar. The experience of state economic regulation of the domestic sugar market is generalized and proposals to improve the state regulation of sugar beet subcomplex are generated. Directions of improvement of state regulation of the sugar market in the context of globalization are offered.
Key words: sugar market, government regulation, quotas, price policy.
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