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Formation and realization of state personnel policy in agrarian sector of Ukraine
It is substantiated and proved in the article, that personnel formation in agricultural enterprises is closely connected with demographic basis of rural labor resources.
Apart of all and in spite of the fact that education is strategic resource of social, economic, cultural and spiritual development of society, the agricultural sector in terms of education possesses on of the last places among the economy branches. Every year 200-300 secondary schools are getting closed and this trend will last as only 10-100 pupils learn at 2,5 thousand schools, so these schools are candidates for being closed. At present 14 thousand villages have no schools, and the consequences are unpredictable as today about 120-150 thousand children are illiterate. At that the qualitative deterioration of human capital accumulation is caused also by the fact that a considerable number of people of economically active age cannot find full application for their capabilities, qualification and experience. Thus this part of human capital is idle, as it is not used, it does not create material wealth and income.
The essential lag of education level among rural population compared to the urban one can be explained by particularities of age structure and natural movement of rural population. Due to extremely high ageing level and higher birth rates among rural population, the part of pensioners and children is quite considerable. The education level of these categories is typically the lowest.
It is investigated, that the flow of qualified young people from the village results not only into deterioration of labor resources, but also has negative impact on business economy. Besides it is necessary to take into account also material damage as the cost spent for personnel education flow to other economy branches.
In this connection, we believe that the state personnel politics in the agri-industrial complex, as part of the modern state agrarian policy in conditions of agricultural reformation on the basis of private property for land and assets, free choice of production activity, activation of investment activity, implementation of social policy and new public relations, requires a complex approach and should envisage some concrete measures.
Thus the state has to use the potential means for purchasing the houses on secondary market, provision of lax credits for purchasing and construction of houses for young families and their households (including by creation of family farm businesses), development and implementation of state and regional programs for water, gas and energy supply, development of rural
roads. The social revival of the village and economic development of agrarian production – these processes are organically connected.
That is why the upmost task on the way of implementation of united personnel policy has to become development and adaptation on legislative level of the Concept of state personnel policy in agrarian sector, which would precisely define the perspectives of the branch development and the necessary anticipatory personnel provision, as well as the subjects and objects of personnel policy in agrarian sector, their interconnection and interrelation in personnel processes, both “vertically” and “horizontally”, the conditions for efficient use of personnel and intellectual potential etc.
Keywords: staff policy, the countryside, the demographic situation, optimization.
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