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Economic principles of innovative development of breeding pig breeding in Ukraine
The article is devoted to the economic principles of formation of innovative development of breeding pig breeding in Ukraine.
It is established that the breeding herd of breeding plants is carried out on the principle of self-repair, breeding pigs by the method of "closed" population, breeding breeders - mainly repair pigs of own reproduction, obtained and raised directly on the farm. Repair boars to replenish the herd are purchased from other farms, and when the ancestral herd is organized, they are raised directly in the association. In commodity herds of pig farms and breeding complexes it is desirable to carry out repair boars and pigs from breeding farms, and if necessary with a clear primary zootechnical record breeding repair pigs to replace lost queens can be carried out directly in the enterprise.
Given the limited import of breeding pigs due to the spread of ASF in the world, the main task of breeding farms is the cultivation and sale of high quality young stock. However, in recent years, repair boars and pigs obtained and raised in domestic breeding enterprises are often not in demand in the market.
Based on the results of the analysis, it can be concluded that the established domestic breeding base does not require unsystematic mass imports except for a small number of high-value breeding young or sperm odes of prominent breeding boars to refresh the blood of some herds under the methodical control provided by the state scientific and technical programs.
The current situation in industrial pig breeding primarily requires solving the problems of automation of management of breeding and breeding work with the use of modern computer technology. The solution of this problem is especially important if the production of commercial pork uses hybridization systems, which requires a clear organization of the breeding herd when working with large populations of animals.
At the same time, stabilization and further effective development of breeding enterprises cannot be ensured without modernization of instruments of state support of breeding farms, preservation and efficient use of the best domestic genetic resources and world gene pool of pig breeds, improvement of production activities and strengthening of integration with large industrial complexes.
Key words: breeding pig breeding, agricultural enterprise, state support, commercial pig breeding, innovation.
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