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Tourism orientation as a business paradigm for the development of united territorial communities
The subject of the research is tourist orientation as a component of the business paradigm of development of territorial communities of Ukraine
The purpose of the study is to substantiate the theoretical foundations and criteria for the formation of a new business paradigm of tourism orientation of rural communities.
General scientific and special research methods are used. Scientific method - for systematization of existing theoretical approaches to the researched problem; analysis and synthesis (for detailing the object and subject of research and their generalization); abstract-logical (in the formation of generalizations, conclusions and proposals; the method of systematic approach - in considering tourist orientation as a system consisting of a number of interconnected elements, and, interacting, affects the communication and social efficiency of rural communities; the method of scientific abstraction - when allocating stable, typical connections in tourism orientation, which allowed to form criteria for assessing the tourist orientation of communities.
Tourist orientation as a direction of formation of business paradigm of development of united communities is investigated. It is established that the strengthening of the tourism-oriented component will contribute to the creation of an innovative tourism product and attract new consumers.
The main approaches to customer orientation are studied, the connection between the defined definition and tourist orientation is established. The own definition of tourist orientation of communities is offered. The stages of formation of a positive tourist-oriented environment are outlined. The principles of tourist orientation are described, cognitive marketing is defined as the basis for the formation of consumer loyalty.
The criteria of tourist orientation are given and the indicators that characterize it are determined.
The results of the study can be used to develop an effective strategy for rural development, taking into account and evaluating the criteria identified by the study at the stage of forming a business paradigm of tourism orientation of the community will increase investment in infrastructure, dissemination of information technology, restoration, reconstruction, objects of historical and cultural heritage, the formation of information, cognitive and tourist competencies of community residents.
Key words: united communities, tourism orientation, tourism development, business paradigm, tourist impressions, cognitive marketing.
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