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Prospects for development of animals in individual selectives
The purpose of the article is to assess the prospects of functioning of private peasant farms in the field of animal husbandry, taking into account the peculiarities of their socio-economic nature.
Research methods. When writing the research, the following methods were used: analysis and synthesis – in assessing the level of development of tvinkins in individual peasant farms in Ukraine; structural-logical – in developing a typical structure of a personal peasant economy.
Presenting main material. Under current conditions, the importance of the small-scale agricultural sector as a factor has grown substantially, which not only forms the nature of food supply to the population, but also determines the state and future prospects for the process of building rural areas. The specifics of the functioning of private peasant farms, their socio-economic nature allows them not only to function in conditions of profitability, but also makes this way of managing one of the few ways to combat unemployment in the countryside.
The evaluation of the prospects for the functioning of private peasant farms as an integral part of domestic agricultural production has been evaluated, the conclusion of which is that the main directions of development should be the activation of agricultural production in such areas, which are not the subject of activity of agricultural enterprises, in particular in the field of animal husbandry. Achievement of high results is possible only at the expense of certain changes in the nature of the use of land resources, technology, as well as increase information provision of the domestic peasantry.
The necessary conditions for the development of private peasant farms are investigated, the main of which is the presence of a stable functioning system of agricultural servicing cooperatives, which provide services for the production, conservation, processing and marketing of products, consolidating the peasant farms into a single community. Taking into account the existing rates of cooperative construction in Ukraine, further growth of the number of these forms of associations of subjects of agrarian business is projected. Under conditions of stimulation of the process of transformation of subjects of the small-scale agricultural sector into the commodity business, one can expect the active development of the cooperative movement in the system of rural territories. However, the effective functioning of personal peasant farms on a commodity basis, the ability to create family farms, inter-farm associations imply the availability of the necessary professional skills, requiring the acquisition of the appropriate qualification level.
The model ARIMA (autoregressive integrated model of slippery middle [Pind]) has been developed. The model is given by three parameters: autoregression, difference operator, slippery average.
The prospects of production of agricultural products in individual peasant farms in the main directions of activity are analyzed. The projected growth rates of gross output in individual peasant farms are conditioned by the dynamics of the current level of development, the activity of farms of commodity type, as well as the presence of competition from agricultural enterprises.
Predicted possible changes in the structure of gross agricultural production taking into account the general state of the industry and the value of personal peasant farms as producers, as well as prospects for the development of commodity peasant farms in certain branches, based on the peculiarities of the organization of the production process, the availability of material and technical support, etc.
A forecast is made that the ratio of personal peasant farms of the regions in the production of milk will continue to be maintained, ie 35% of gross output will be produced by farms of the forest-steppe zone. At the same time, the probable prospects for the development of the milk industry in the steppe zone due to the intensification of the cooperative movement among the peasant farms, the development of commodity production in this direction suggest that the share of products of personal peasant farms in the region will continue to grow and reach 33%, but 30 in 2016 .
It was revealed that in the process of evolutionary transition of peasant farms on the basis of agricultural production, the value of this segment of agrarian production for the food supply of the population will increase. Existing trends in the development of a number of livestock sectors, mainly in private peasant farms, in particular in the field of dairy cattle breeding, will contribute to this process.
The necessity of activating the economic activity of this group of farmers in the field of animal husbandry, in particular in the field of dairy cattle breeding, is substantiated. On the basis of estimation of probable trends in the indicated branch direction, the forecast of production volumes of the main types of products of livestock production from the personal peasant farms, taking into account the specifics of zonal climatic conditions. Considered the further role of private peasant farms as a component of the domestic market of agricultural raw materials.
Key words: animal husbandry, pig production, efficiency, agrarian production, personal peasant farms.
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