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Conceptual basis for the development of peasant farms as an indicator of the functioning of the rural community
The purpose of the article. The purpose of the study is to develop theoretical, methodological provisions characterizing the economic behavior of peasant farms as an indicator of the state of the rural community.
Research methods. On theoretical and methodological basis of the research the works of domestic and foreign scientists concerning the conceptual foundations of the development of peasant farms are taken. As a result of the study, modern methods of general scientific and economic knowledge of socio-economic phenomena and processions were used: historical and monographic, dialectical, abstract-logical, graphic, and others.
Main results and conclusions of the study. In the economic sense, the study of agricultural production can be identified macro and microprocesses. Thus, the economy of agriculture as a scientific discipline relies on the main provisions of economic theory, in particular, it considers the product of economic activity of commodity producers as a result of the contribution of several factors of production, which makes it possible to evaluate the corresponding production function. The economic relations in the agrarian sector, the formation of markets, the peculiarities of pricing and labor relations and the principles of the formation of agrarian policy are also studied. The theory of branch markets considers the patterns of formation of the market of agricultural products, as well as its subsystems. Research of rural settlements is also actively conducted within the limits of economic geography, considering primarily the issue of spatial organization of lands, as well as the differentiation of settlements and lifestyle of their inhabitants.
At the micro level, agricultural production is a part of a household. In the neoclassical economic theory, the analysis of domestic work has developed with the emergence in the middle of the twentieth century. "New Economic Theory of Home Production".
It has been established that peasant farming for a long time has been the subject of close consideration by world economic science, sociology and anthropology.
It was found that the hypothesis of a peasant economy as one of the organizational forms of a private-economic enterprise contrasted with the hypothesis of a peasant economy as an entrepreneur, in which the owner hired himself as a worker. It is proved that there is no contradiction between these concepts as they relate to different types of peasant farms.
Despite the negative criticism of the inefficiency of agricultural production, this category of agricultural producers for a long time served as guarantor of social stability in rural areas.
It is established that the production of agricultural products by private peasant farms can not lead to a prospect of providing the population with food, because there is an extremely low productivity of living labor.
It has been proved that the small size plot makes practically unprofitable the use of many types of agricultural machines, which are now widely used in private farms in Western Europe and North America. The high degree of dependence on manual labor means that now OSG owners in Ukraine are at the same level as Western farmers and US farmers in the early 20th century.
The problem of the distribution of women's time between domestic work, paid employment in the labor market and unpaid work is analyzed, it has been established that households consisting of single men or women can not reach the level of production that is characteristic of other types of families that are based on married couple Each additional family member contributes to strengthening the rural functions of the rural household, or vice versa. For this reason, the age structure of rural families is a decisive element in determining the existing and potential levels of domestic agricultural production and is considered by us as human capital.
The concept of a family farm is substantiated on the basis of the importance for the rural family of self-sufficiency of food products from their own economy, the expansion of its size when using hand-made means of production.
The practice of the development of farms in European countries in the current conditions is analyzed, as a result of which it was discovered that diversification of production activity is characteristic of them.
According to the results of the study, OSG in its economic nature is a family-owned farm. In 2016, only 14% of OSGs were used to carry out a specific type of work for hired labor.
As a result of the conducted research, the author came to the conclusion that the economy of personal peasant economy has a high degree of self-regulation, as an element of self-developing economic structure does not require large investment costs of the state.
The methodical basis of the functioning of individual peasant farms is based on the use of elements of theories of "peasant economy" and "informal economy", which implies: the minimum dependence of the economy of the personal peasant economy on the market through the natural way of production and the predominance of manual labor; the forced need to meet their own needs in food due to the low purchasing power of the population; the orientation when planning production activities solely to meet the needs of members of the rural and urban households with whom they are in family relationships; the existence of close informal links between members of the rural community.
Key words: private peasant farm, rural household, rural community, rural community.
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