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Public management and administration in the context of rural social and economic development
The interpretation and evolution of the concept of "public management and administration" and their role in socio-economic development of the village are studied. The preconditions for reformation of public administration system and the emergence of a "new public administration" are established.
The generalization of various approaches to the definition of the concept of "public administration" provides grounds for establishing the phenomenon of publicity, which is explained through a state dependence on its society (the public). The management, based on such dependence, is associated not only with the interests of the state, but also with satisfaction of the needs of society, its social groups, and individuals; it is based on a horizontal rather than vertical links between state institutions, business and civil society. At the same time, transparency is the fundamental principle of the organization and implementation of public authority.
The organization and functioning of state power and local self-government on the basis of this principle expands the possibilities of their interaction with the civil society through the transparency of the adoption and implementation of political and economic decisions, as well as the activation of public control over the activities of state authorities and local self-government.
As far as public management of rural development is concerned, it is a form of executive authorities and local self-government bodies activity, which is manifested in the adoption of relevant legislation, concepts, strategies and programs aimed at solving socio-economic problems in rural areas and improving the living conditions of rural residents.
It is established that the system of public management and administration of rural development should be based on demosocial democracy, which ensures social rights of the population (to work, education, treatment, housing, recreation, pensions), provides conditions for the free self-realization of an individual.
The necessity of establishing regional centers for the development of territorial communities at higher educational establishments in the organizational and consulting support of the process of their voluntary association and socio-economic development is proved.
Training management staff able to realize the community potential and bring it to a new quality level due to having a good understanding of the specifics of Ukrainian agribusiness is rather pertinent for rural areas. Only high-level specialists can develop a strategy for community development, outline specific tasks and provide the necessary conditions for their implementation.
Key words: public management and administration, transparency, local government, public authorities, communities.
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