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Features of the public administration of land resources in the eu: experience for Ukraine
Unequal distribution of agricultural land is an analogue of the uneven distribution of subsidies to CAP, since direct payments, which lead to a large share of CAPS expenditures, are mainly realized per hectare. The actual distribution of land and subsidies may be even more uneven, since the statistics do not allow to establish anything about the ownership and control of farms. As access to land and possession is an important right established by the national legislation of each Member State of the EU.
It is noted that programs aimed at combining small plots of land use different methods within an integrated land management system that take into account local and regional conditions and are an integral tool for improving agrarian structures and settling land disputes. In this context, it is worthwhile to consolidate land through land lease, and rental prices should relate to the production potential and profitability that are most suitable for the agricultural economy.
The purpose of the paper is to show the benefits of an up-to-date and reliable land management system. This article describes the factors that should be taken into account when working on legislation, organization, databases and maps, as well as the financing mechanisms needed to implement and maintain an efficient and sustainable land management system. Each country must create and use its own system, taking into account its social and economic conditions.
The UN Economic Commission for Europe (ECE) in 1993 initiated expansion of the capacity of countries, mainly Central and Eastern Europe, in land administration. Priority is given to solving current problems and needs associated with land administration, aimed at exchanging experience in the application of procedures, methods and policies in land management similar to those that have developed in market economies in the ECE region.
In 2013, in 27 EU member states, only 3.1% of farms occupied 52.2% of agricultural land in Europe, while 76.2% of farms used only 11.2% of agricultural land.
The land, on the one hand, is a property, and on the other – a social asset and is the subject of social obligations. Since there is no general or shared competence for land management, as different institutions implement various social, cultural and environmental aspects of land management, this creates a need for a more integrated approach to land management at the EU level.
The purpose of European agrarian policy is to preserve the European multifunctional model of agriculture, which is characterized first and foremost by small and medium-sized family and cooperative farms owning land.
The benefits of Ukraine's cooperation with the EU member states lies in the fact that in the long-term they will determine the directions of economic development.
Necessary measures that some EU member states use to regulate their land markets in order to avoid speculative land deals. The EU Member States should support all innovative land allocation measures that will encourage farmers' confidence, in particular through investment funds, on a solidarity basis, which enables depositors to help young people who do not have sufficient resources to acquire land and, in order to to start a career in agriculture.
The land policy in the European sense aims to achieve certain goals concerning the protection and distribution of rights to land, land management, access to land resources, including appropriate forms of land use. It defines the principles and rules for the management of land ownership rights and natural resources, as well as legal methods of access, use, confirmation and alienation of these rights. The land policy details the conditions under which land use development and administration are carried out, namely, it defines a list of rules and procedures by which the confirmation of rights and the management of land and the way of disposal of information about land tenure is carried out.
Land administration in the EU guarantees the right of property and its protection, supports land and real estate taxation, develops the land market, protects land resources and supports environmental monitoring, improves urban planning and infrastructure development.
Improving the land policy of Ukraine in the context of European integration should become an important task on the way of Ukraine's approach to the EU in the political, social, financial, economic and scientific areas of cooperation.
Key words: land management, land resources, land, farming, land market.
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