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Organizational and economic principles of implementation of plant production by personal selected households of Ukraine
Currently, the main channel for the production of crop production is the "other channels of marketing", which we understand trade and intermediary structures and retail food markets and wholesale markets for agricultural products.
Researches show that the main factors of the orientation of private peasant farms to trade and intermediary structures is minimization of transaction costs, on retail food markets – a high level of prices that compensate for sales and marketing expenses.
Today, the network of wholesale food and fruit and vegetable markets, livestock and poultry auctions is slowly forming. There is an urgent need to create services that would study the state of the agrarian market for forecasting and disseminating marketing information among commodity producers.
The reason for such a situation is the shadowing and monopolization of channels for the sale of agricultural products; constant shortage of financial resources that limits the creation and development of separate elements of the infrastructure of the agrarian market; ineffectiveness of state policy on creation of conditions for the development of cooperative and other non-profit associations of agricultural producers in the sphere of harvesting, processing, sales of products, financial and transport services of commodity flows; the lack of qualitative information provision of the population in matters of management in market conditions.
Cooperative and wholesale markets should give the peasant producer the main role in shaping the supply of goods and prices for them. Many years of experience in the operation of such wholesale markets in the world proved that it was the cooperation of the peasant manufacturer with the wholesale markets that provided them with a stable, predictable and positive development.
As the analysis shows, the intermediary took its place in the chain of agricultural goods from the individual producer to the consumer. However, many entrepreneurs of this category work in the shadow economy.
The imperfection of regulatory acts leads to questionable financial transactions, especially trade and intermediary structures that operate on an agency basis with processing plants, caterers or retailers.
In order to civilize the legalization of their activities, it is necessary to develop a system of legislative acts, in particular the Law of Ukraine "On trade and intermediary activities", which would regulate this activity. Today, with the sale of products, especially livestock, through the system of trade and intermediary structures is the possibility of conducting questionable financial transactions.
According to the results of the research on the functioning of the retail food markets, there is no alternative to selling agricultural products, given that the bulk of private farms sells a small amount of non-homogeneous agricultural products. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the high quality of products that can not be achieved by large-scale enterprises and the low level of implementation prices in comparison with retail trade with low purchasing power of the population. In the near future, the retail food markets will attract the inhabitants of the cities – end consumers to purchase the main types of food. However, an urgent problem is the creation of civilized trading conditions, especially slaughter products of farm animals and poultry, dairy products.
For PF, which are engaged in small-scale production, the main problem is the sales of grown agricultural products. We believe that the most rational way out of this situation is the creation of wholesale food markets based on the former procurement bases of consumer co-operation, which are located in each regional center of Ukraine. An example of the successful functioning of wholesale markets is the markets "Shuvari" (Lviv) and "Kopani" (village VelykiKopani Kherson region).
Key words: plant growing, private peasant farming, intermediary, retail food market.
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