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The economic motives of the state in modern conditions of development of market economy of Ukraine
As an active participant and regulator of economic life, the state began to perceive about a hundred years ago when the market was unable to solve important socio-economic problems and were in crisis. The state acted to protect him. Disadvantages of effective market self-regulation is an objective reason for government intervention. The crisis of the modern Ukrainian economy – test the viability of its state regulation.
The state is regulating neteconomy structure that specifies the legal environment for private business, is a guarantor of mutual rights and obligations that take on freely interacting individuals. But it is also one of the manufacturers who offer their products to the consumer, the buyer of goods and services, redistributes income. Modern understanding places the state in the economy is that it is regarded as one of the subjects of economic activities. But unlike other state and its bodies have the power of coercion within the framework and on the basis of laws – state resources generated through legitimate withdrawals of part of the income of citizens and organizations that is accomplished by taxation.
Imperfections in the market occur mainly during the production and consumption of individual, specific types of goods and services. The public sector must function, relying on the Autonomous links of the economy. This can be enterprises deliberately placed in conditions in which their strategy modifiable using special measures, adequate to the specific lack of market. A state may resort to the use of different regulations (taxes, subsidies, state orders, etc.), induce certain parts of the economy to focus not on profit, but on the achievement of specific social objectives and stable production of certain, clearly specified types of benefits.
Fixed profile (mission) and a ban on the distribution of profits – the distinctive features of nonprofit organizations, which are mostly educational institutions, research institutions, hospitals, museums, charities, religious organizations and others Nonprofit organizations do not always relate to the state or municipal organizations, but also those and others serve as instruments to overcome market flaws. For non-profit organizations engaged in socially significant missions, may provide tax benefits, from the point of view of the budget is not received means, which is equivalent to the cost, but that's the price you must pay society for mitigating the negative impact of disadvantages of the market self-regulation. Effective public support of non-profit organizations of education, science, health care in Ukraine, which has a low level of compliance with social standards – pledge of compliance with an acceptable quality of life and ensure the formation of components of competitiveness of the national economy.
In a normally functioning market economy and in times of crisis the state has to act primarily in the areas of market flaws, not substitute for market self-regulation. The nature of government intervention required in each case to accurately match the specific defects of the market. The market does not need to duplicate, it requires a specific state patronage. The current crisis in Ukraine demonstrates a departure from this rule, ignoring objective laws of development of market economy and is likely to lead to excessive bureaucracy, subjectivism, abuse.
Key words: economy state regulation, market self-regulation, market failure, non-profit organizations.
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