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Modernization of investment policy of agricultural region agricultural enterprises by developing a comprehensive program to attract investments (for example Kyiv region)
Attention is paid to issues of the investment policy of agricultural enterprises of agroindustrial region. Discovered the possibility of upgrading the investment policy the investment policy of agricultural enterprises through the development of a comprehensive program to attract investment.
One of the most actual problems of the agro-industrial regions is to upgrade the investment policy, namely the creation of a favorable investment climate, activation of investment activity of all economic entities through the development of a comprehensive program of attracting investments into the economy.
Today little attention is paid to finding ways of modernization of the investment policy of the agricultural enterprises of the agro-industrial region through the development of integrated programmes to attract investment. All this testifies to the relevance of the topic, and thus led to the choice of direction of research in the scientific and practical aspects.
The aim of the study is to develop theoretical, methodological provisions and practical recommendations on ways of modernization of the investment policy of the agricultural enterprises of the agro-industrial region through the development of integrated programmes to attract investment.
Theoretical and methodological basis of the study is the dialectical method of knowledge and systematic approach by which the theoretical and methodological bases of formation evaluation component factors of investment in agriculture, current conditions and characteristics of their influence.
In a market economy the attraction of investment is a significant factor of economic growth, improvement of the economic situation in the country and the welfare of the population. In the agricultural sector in attracting investment is also a means of ensuring food security of the state, the guarantor of development of its fields.
Studies show that successful attraction of investors to the economic development of agricultural enterprises is necessary to create conditions for their activities, that is, to form a favorable investment climate of Ukraine's regions and of every agricultural entity in particular.
The main principles of investment policy in the Kiev region are: state support for investors, lower costs of doing business and investment risks, the development of institutions of public-private partnerships, to ensure a balanced development of the region as a whole and individual sectors.
One of the main challenges for attracting investment in the agro-industrial complex of Kyiv region must become the reform of regional investment legislation.
The most relevant areas of support for investors carrying out investment in the agricultural sector for the Kyiv region should be: the development of the Institute of public-private partnerships, creation of public-private partnership investment sites with necessary engineering infrastructure to accommodate new industries and activities; the development of industrial, inter-sectoral cooperation and market of organic products between Ukraine and countries near and far abroad; the formation of the investment pledge Fund of the Kiev region, with the aim of attracting credit resources and empowerment of guarantees by the regional Government for the loan funds raised on the financial market to Finance important investment projects.
In developing specific activities for attracting financial resources using the mechanism of concessions necessary to consider a number of important components, such as: first, in the process of concession investors are transmitted to real assets in operation, not leasing with a subsequent right of redemption; second, the concession period the name of the owner of the object of concession remains the same. In addition, it should be noted that in this scheme, concessionaires – investors may not be public authorities and enterprises with state capital.
Thus, the development of a comprehensive program to attract investment to the region will provide an opportunity to improve the investment climate in the Kiev region, to carry out selection of available investment projects and initiate new projects with a high level of commercial efficiency to attract the required investment resources in the agricultural complex of the region.
Key words: modernization, investment policy, agricultural enterprises, agro-industrial region, a comprehensive program, investments.
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