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Statement of the problem. Overcoming the crisis and choosing the right targets predicted in the trends of economic development of agricultural enterprises shows that the most appropriate of the possible directions of development in the field of agricultural production is innovative investment . Only in this way one can quickly and efficiently transform agricultural production, stimulate small and medium enterprises and at the same time provide access to the World markets, which is extremely important for our country, with its vast agricultural potential [4]. Therefore the problem of innovation and investment to ensure the development of agriculture is a large-scale one and it requires considerable efforts from agricultural enterprises, academic institutions, government and economic management.
Publications research. The essence, content and features of innovative activities of the agricultural enterprises are investigated by V.G. Andreychuk , M.V. Zubez, I.A. Pavlenko, P.T. Sabluk et al.
The theoretical basis of investment and innovation activities are developed in scientific papers : M. Tugan- Baranovsky, N. Kondratiev , F. Makhlupa , H. Freeman , L. Soti, S. Glazyev , J. Yakovets.
The questions of economic-mathematical modeling of innovation and investment in agriculture development are discussed in the papers of O. Ermakov, Yu.B.Lyzhnyk , Nail S. and other problems of modeling processes in agriculture is widely discussed in the papers of leading Ukrainian and foreign scholars: Vitlinskiy V. Kravchenko V., V. Vovk , Kadiyevskiy VA Klyebanovoyi TS , Lysenko, Y., Claus AM, Petrov AA, Pospelov IG, Ulianchenko OV Usykina VM Baltensperhera E. Bellman , R., Rose , P., broken rice D., Forrester, D. et al. However, in these researches multifactorial modeling innovation and investment in agriculture development have not been investigated.
Target. The aim of this article is researching and economic modeling of investment and innovation processes in agriculture.
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