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Тенденції розвитку світогосподарських зв'язків АПК України з регіональними об'єднаннями країн світу
Statement of the problem. The results of Ukraine agriculture activity in 2012, especially in the branch of planting, show that the country has significant potential in developing agrarian industry and in its transferring into an efficient exportable sector of economics and ensuring food safety of country. Having hit the metallurgical and chemical complexes and people's wages, the financial crisis inhibits the investment activity and intensifies its pressure on the budget. The increased negative international balance that made $14500 million and during 10 months 2013 this disparity in export and import increased 1 billion more. This may cause significant loss of international markets in Ukraine, decrease in budget income from foreign-economic activity. Metallurgical, machine-building and chemical industries have already lost a significant part of their external and even internal markets and it will be impossible for them to restore unless the financial strategy of the country directed towards the bank sector of economics support is reoriented. In order to avoid causing irreversible difficulties in economics, we need to define the nature of the crisis phenomena in the first place. In Ukraine it is the crisis of payment balance caused by a huge deficit of general trade balance, negative foreign trade balance, low competitiveness of domestic goods in foreign markets and the raw point of export of all branches of the domestic economics, what is 80 %.
The paper aims at investigating theoretical and practical aspects of Ukraine economy and AIC functioning in the conditions of integrations processes and crisis and developing a competitive policy able to mitigate the negative results of the financial crisis. We also aim to find out contradictions and in foreign markets and to analyze production dynamics in basic food products, their export, import within the main economic groups and discrete countries in 2000-2012 and on their grounds to design the methodical approaches on the strategy and reorganize the domestic and foreign food markets in order to provide food safety and to protect the domestic producer's interests and to broaden exporting facilities of the branch.
The research is based on the scientific papers of native and foreign scientists and experts on problems of production development and export, Ukrainian statistical year-books, monitoring of economic and social development of AIC enterprises, reports on foreign-economic relations in Ukraine and AIC, express-bulletins "Foreign trade in 2000−2013".
Our methodic mentions that each factor bases on the principles of analysis and synthesis, analytical foresight of the processes, their elements compatibility with the laws of world economics, competitiveness and its peculiarities under the world crisis. We used historic-economical and logical methods, method of scientific abstraction etc. to implement the set tasks.
Analysis of the latest research and papers on the problem. The agro-industrial complex of Ukraine was the last of all branches of economics involved into the crisis in 2008−2009 and in 2010−2012, that carried out in the last years. Thus, it has all chances to overcome the crisis first despite huge losses caused by prices disparity between its products and the products for it (up to US $160 billion). The main cause of production stabilization and increase in AIC products export must be the system of preceding measures which will take place in the world market and in Ukraine during the after crisis period. One of the causes will be increase in food demand and global permanent price increase due to some food production decrease and fourfold exceeding growth of global trade over the growth of food production.
The agroindustrial complex has become a subject of high economic activity, that’s why the economics policy of the country is turning towards the needs of the branch which require reorganization of the domestic and foreign markets because of the expansion of Ukraine's collaboration with the CIS, EU and other economic groupments countries of the world on the modernization and development of AIC (tables 2, 3).
The price level in Ukraine and partner countries has a significant influence on external economic relations of Ukraine AIC. Thus, reorganization of the domestic and foreign markets requires establishing the average market price formed in the territory of Ukraine and partner countries. This will result in competition between the domestic food enterprises which would search for inner backlog to make competitive goods.
Providing quality and safety of food products is of primary importance in this situation. Most of the partner countries apply modern management methods in food products trade according to the requirements of the ISO 9001 standards. But Ukrainian legislation has not developed the regulation of benefits for the producers which causes the situation when most enterprises can not implement the abovementioned system and they will not be competitive in foreign markets [1, p.58].
We have not developed the national normative documents harmonizes with European and international standards. Besides, there is imperfection of the system of protection of the food market with nonstandard methods including the technical regulation applied in the EU countries causes decrease in food products competitiveness in both foreign and domestic markets.
Providing competitive advantages of the domestic production in foreign and domestic markets gives rise to necessity of changes in agrarian policy like increasing the number of foreign markets, reorganization and strengthening investment processes [2, p.8].
Agricultural production of the domestic producers is the fundamental of the domestic agrarian market. This production forms the food safety of the country and implies protecting citizens' vital interests when a state guarantees physical and economical availability of safe and high-quality food, supports stability of providing people with food and provides the state food independence [3, р. 13].
Stating the principal research material and substantiation of the results. Solving the abovementioned task is possible only providing we created an economic mechanism of AIC management suitable for the market conditions [4, p. 50]. Developing the domestic food market only with increase in domestic production will not make a desired result since Ukraine, having become the WTO member, will activate the development of external economic relations by means of structure reorganization and improving their regulation mechanism.
The world crisis as an external agent has influenced Ukrainian economics and caused the problems which put Ukraine to 56 (next to last) position in the rating of competitive countries in 2012. The rating was done by International Institute of Management Development (IMD Lausanne) [5, p.9]. But Ukraine was on 54 position in 2008 and on 56 (of 57 ones) in 2012. Among the reasons of the situation is unsteadiness of economics in economic cycles, negative influence of currency exchange and of the National bank policy. One can also observe a rather dangerous tendency - remaining on the last and next to last positions in groups of characteristics which are key ones in competitiveness. The are "Institutional frames", "Business legislation" and "Finance" [5, p.9].
During the last 13 years (2000-2013) Ukraine has exceeded the world tendencies in goods and services international trade. Its external trade circulation five times increased during this period the export was 4,71 times increased. The external trade balance of Ukraine has been negative since 2004 and it made $ 15118 million in 2012, for 10 months 2013 − $ 11300 million, i.e. it increased compared to 2000 and 2010 in 15,6 and 20,9 times correspondingly which was one of the causes of economic crisis (table 1).
GDP of Ukrainian AIC increased in 2008 compared to 2000 in 4,6 times and made $ 158 billion, in 2012 compared to 2000 − in 5,5 times and made $ 171,2 billion. In the structure of world GDP the weight of Ukraine made 0,206 % at 2,3 % processed area of earth and population 0,68 %.Agroindustrial complex of Ukraine an export oriented branch, its position in the export of 2012 was 66% in GDP and it holds the first position among the European countries past France and Germany where the export makes 55% and 50% of GDP correspondingly.
The criteria one should consider when forecasting possible losses and profits in external economic relations under the crisis are correlation between the export and import of goods. It was negative in Ukrainian economics in 2012 and made 0,82; in AIC defrayal coefficient was 2,3. During the latest history of Ukraine (1991-2013) the external economic balance of the AIC had always been positive which is the evidence of export orientation of the branch towards the world economic field.
During 2000-2012 in Ukraine the external economic circulation increased 5,5 times, its export increased 4,71, in AIC branch the external economic circulation increased 10,43 times, its export increased 11,4, its external economic balance increased 17,5 times. Grains export increased 20,3 times during the investigated period from 1330 thousand tons in 2000 to 27114 thousand tons in 2012 (table 1) which makes 38,5% of all the export of AIC. The weight of grains export in the production increased from 5.4% in 2000 to 59% in 2012. Oil seeds production in 2000-2012 increased 2,72 times and made 9.6 million tons in 2012.
Table 1. – Production, External Trade Circulation, Export, Import and Internal Balances of the Main Food Products
($ mln, thousand tons).
Index |
2000р. |
2008р. |
2010р. |
2012р. |
2012р. in %, (+) to |
2000р. |
2008р |
2010р. |
External trade circulation of Ukraine |
29484 |
148668 |
109000 |
151900 |
5,15 |
1,02 |
1,39 |
Incl. AIC In External Trade Circulation,% |
2576 |
18045 |
16300 |
26100 |
10,13 |
1,45 |
1,6 |
8,74 |
12,1 |
14,9 |
17,2 |
2,0 р. |
1,4 р. |
1,2 р. |
Export, total Incl. AIC In Ukraine export, % |
14572 |
67021 |
51400 |
68700 |
4,71 |
1,03 |
1,34 |
1581,9 |
11285 |
10200 |
18200 |
11,51 |
1,61 |
1,78 |
10,85 |
16,9 |
19,9 |
26,5 |
2,4 р. |
1,6 р. |
1,3 р. |
External trade balance, total Incl. AIC |
616 |
-15118 |
-620 |
-14400 |
* |
* |
* |
587,4 |
4526 |
4200 |
10300 |
17,53 |
2,28 |
2,45 |
Grain: production |
24454 |
53300 |
39200 |
46200 |
1,89 |
0,87 |
1,18 |
Export |
1330 |
16136 |
13900 |
27110 |
20,38 |
1,68 |
1,95 |
weight,%, in the production export |
5,4 |
30 |
35,4 |
59 |
10,93 |
1,97 |
1,67 |
7,8 |
32,8 |
24,2 |
38,5 |
4,94 |
1,17 |
1,59 |
Internal balance |
24164 |
37279 |
25430 |
19210 |
0,79 |
0,52 |
0,76 |
Oil seeds:production Export |
3521 |
9400 |
8700 |
9600 |
2,73 |
1,02 |
1,10 |
913 |
2710 |
2445 |
3130 |
3,43 |
1,15 |
1,28 |
weight,%, in the production in export |
25,9 |
28,83 |
28,1 |
32,6 |
1,26 |
1,13 |
1,16 |
9,48 |
12,32 |
10,1 |
9,3 |
0,98 |
0,75 |
0,92 |
Internal balance |
2625 |
6743,7 |
6298 |
7100 |
2,70 |
1,05 |
1,13 |
Oil:production |
973 |
2480 |
3572 |
4290 |
4,41 |
1,73 |
1,20 |
Export |
590 |
1583 |
2863 |
3750 |
6,36 |
2,37 |
1,31 |
weight,%, in the production |
60,6 |
63,8 |
80,1 |
87,4 |
1,44 |
1,37 |
1,09 |
in export of AIC |
14,9 |
16,84 |
28,1 |
22,7 |
1,52 |
1,35 |
0,81 |
Internal balance |
437 |
1286 |
1041,3 |
760 |
1,74 |
0,59 |
0,73 |
Sugar: production Export |
1780 |
1572 |
1808 |
2144 |
1,20 |
1,36 |
1,19 |
320 |
45 |
35,3 |
175 |
0,55 |
3,89 |
4,96 |
weight,%, in the production in export |
18 |
2,86 |
1,95 |
8,2 |
0,46 |
2,87 |
4,21 |
6,7 |
1,5 |
0,15 |
0,01 |
0,00 |
0,01 |
0,07 |
Internal balance |
1780 |
1611 |
2108 |
1970 |
1,11 |
1,22 |
0,93 |
Milk: production Export |
12700 |
11762 |
11250 |
11390 |
0,90 |
0,97 |
1,01 |
101 |
190,7 |
153,63 |
147 |
1,46 |
0,77 |
0,96 |
weight,%, in the production in export |
0,79 |
1,64 |
1,57 |
1,3 |
1,65 |
0,79 |
0,83 |
8,68 |
5,78 |
5,3 |
2,73 |
0,31 |
0,47 |
0,52 |
Internal balance |
12607 |
11613 |
11133 |
11290 |
0,90 |
0,97 |
1,01 |
Meat: production Export |
1660 |
1820 |
1900 |
1810 |
1,09 |
0,99 |
0,95 |
151,3 |
25,4 |
46,53 |
119 |
0,79 |
4,69 |
2,56 |
weight,%, in the production in export |
9,1 |
1,39 |
2,45 |
6,5 |
0,71 |
4,68 |
2,65 |
12,3 |
0,66 |
0,88 |
1,7 |
0,14 |
2,58 |
1,93 |
Import |
22,3 |
512 |
348,85 |
403 |
18,07 |
0,79 |
1,16 |
Weight of import in the internal balance |
0,8 |
21,6 |
15,84 |
22,2 |
27,75 |
1,03 |
1,40 |
Internal balance |
1525,0 |
2306,7 |
2202 |
2100 |
1,38 |
0,91 |
0,95 |
Source: calculated by the author with applying Ukrainian statistical уear-books, monitoring of economic and social development of AIC enterprises, reports on foreign economic relations in Ukraine and AIC [6, 7].
The seeds export increased 3,4 times and made 3,13 million tons in 2012 which is 9,3% of the AIC export. A significant part of the export in 2012 was made by sunflower oil − 3,75 million tons, i.e. it increased compared to 2000 in 6,35 times and in the cost equivalent of export increased from 14,9 to 22,7 %.
Sugar production in Ukraine in 2012 increased 20% (364 thousand tons) compared to 2000 and 36,4% (572 thousand tons) compared to 2008, its export weight in the production was 8,2% compared to 18% in 2000.
Milk production decreased in 2012 compared to 2008 on 131 thousand tons, 7 the export increased 1,46 times.
Meat production in 2012 increased 9% compared to 2000 and decreased 5% compared to 2010. Import of meat and meat products in 2012 increased 18,1 times compared to 2000 and 1,16 times compared to 2010. Ukraine imported 403,2 thousand tons of meat and meat products to the amount of $722 million at $1792 per ton in 2012. The weight of imported meat products consumed in Ukraine makes 21.6% in 2008 and 22,2 % in 2012 which threatens the food safety of the country on this kind of product.
The internal balances of such types of food products as grain, decreased 21%, 48%, 24% in 2012 compared to 2000, 2008, 2010 correspondingly, oil crop seeds increased 2,7; 1,05; 1,13 times correspondingly, sunflower oil increased 1, 74 times in 2012 compared to 2000, sugar increased 1, 11 times, meat and meat products decreased 9 and 5% in 2012 compared to 2008, 2010, dairy products decreased 10% in 2012 compared to 2000. It is rather important for Ukraine to gain global competitive positions in AIC due to the necessity to finance import of energy sources and other strategic resources.
Significant changes in the regional structure of external economic relationships between the AIC of Ukraine and the groupments of the world countries took place during 2000−2013. The foreign trade exchange between AIC of Ukraine and countries of the CIS increased 4,72 times for this period and made $4650 million in 2012, it’s weight in general external trade circulation of AIC decreased from 38,2% in 2000 to 17,8% in 2012 or 2,15 times. The export of Ukrainian AIC to the CIS countries increased in 4,6 times − from $804 to $3698 million. Its weight in the general structure of AIC export decreased from 50,8% in 2000 to 20,3% in 2012. A share of a Russian Federation in the structure of external trade circulation of AIC in 2000 was 28,7% and 10,95% in 2012 or decreased 2,62 times at absolute it increase from $740,4 to $2859 million or 3,86 times. External trade balance between Ukrainian AIC and CIS countries for this period always was positive, in increased 4,42 times in 2012 compared to 2000 and made $2745 million, or 26,6% in its structure, that was fourfold smaller for the level of 2000. External trade balance of Russian Federation in Ukrainian AIC increased from $529,4 to $1324,5 million in 2012 compared to 2000 or in 2,5 times at decreased of its weight from 99% in 2000 to 12,86% in 2012 (table 2).
Table 2. – Export of Ukrainian agricultural products in EU and CIS countries in 2012 ($ mln,%)
Countries |
Export |
Balance |
$ million |
Weight in AIC export, % |
Place |
$ million |
Weight in AIC export, % |
Place |
CIS countries |
3698 |
20,3 |
* |
2745,2 |
26,65 |
* |
Russia |
2092 |
11,5 |
1 |
1324,5 |
12,86 |
1 |
Byelorussia |
444,5 |
2,44 |
6 |
375,2 |
3,64 |
4 |
Kazakhstan |
359,2 |
1,97 |
8 |
350,0 |
3,40 |
5 |
Moldova |
301,0 |
1,65 |
10 |
260,0 |
2,52 |
8 |
EU countries |
5079,3 |
27,90 |
* |
1901,4 |
18,46 |
* |
Spain |
1388,0 |
27,62 |
2 |
1148 |
11,15 |
2 |
Italy |
751,8 |
4,13 |
3 |
473,3 |
4,60 |
3 |
Poland |
674,0 |
3,70 |
4 |
212,0 |
2,06 |
9 |
Netherlands |
518,2 |
2,85 |
5 |
264,0 |
2,56 |
7 |
France |
384,8 |
2,11 |
7 |
117,4 |
1,14 |
11 |
Portugal |
326,1 |
1,79 |
9 |
319,3 |
3,1 |
6 |
Belgium |
247,6 |
1,36 |
11 |
170,2 |
1,65 |
10 |
Total |
18200 |
100 |
* |
10300 |
100 |
* |
Source: calculated by the author with applying Ukrainian statistical уear-books, monitoring of economic and social development of AIC enterprises, reports on foreign economic relations in Ukraine and AIC [6].
The external trade circulation between the Ukrainian AIC and EU countries in 2000−2012 has undergone significant changes as well (table 2). The weight of the external trade circulation between the AIC and EU countries increased from 23.4% in 2000 ($604 million) to 3175% ( $8257 million) in 2012 which is 13,67 times more than the level of 2000. The export of AIC products to the EU countries at absolute measuring increased from $338 million (21,4% all export of AIC in 2000) to $5079 million in 2012 (27,9%). Thus, the rates of increase of export AIC products to the countries of European Union for 2000-2012 exceeded the rates of increase of export of AIC to CIS countries 3,26 times. External trade balance of with EU countries increased 25,8 times and made in 2012 $1901. Beginning from 2006 foreign trades relationships of Ukrainian AIC with the countries of Asia and Africa broadened considerably. Its weight in the external trade circulation of Ukraine in 2012 made 26,4% ($6887 million) and 14,9% ($3882 million) correspondingly, in the export − 30,3% ($5516 million) and 19,4% ($3495). In forming of AIC sufficient external trade circulation in 2012 the weight of Asia countries was 40,2% ($4144 million), Africa − 30,1% ($3108), countries of European Union − 18,4%, CIS - 26,6% (table 2). In export structure of AIC 2012, the weight of Asia countries in 2012 was 30,3%, EU - 27,9%, CIS - 20,3%, Africa - 19,2%.
The biggest weight in the export of AIC products of Ukraine is occupied: among CIS countries its Russia − 11,5%, Byelorussia − 2,44%, Kazakhstan - 1,97%, Moldova - 1,65%, among EU countries its Spain - 7,62%, Italy - 4,13%, Poland - 3,70%, Netherlands - 2,85%, France - 2,11% and other (table 3). In forming of AIC sufficient external trade circulation in 2012 Russian Federation gained the first place (12,86%), Byelorussia - fourth (3,64%), Kazakhstan - fifth (3,40%), Moldova - eighth (2,52%), among countries of European Union leading places occupied Spain, Italy, Portugal, Netherlands, Poland - 2, 3, 6, 7, 9 places correspondingly (table 3). In the structure of domestic export of AIC products in 2012 leaders are: grain − 38,5%, sunflower oil − 22,7%, oil seeds − 9,3%, milk − 2,73%, meat − 1,7%.
The weight of stock-raising export products in 2013 increased 8,4% comparatively with 2012 due to the products of the poultry farming mainly. Its weight export made near 90% from production. Probably, that as a result of 2013 Ukraine will plant 8 position among meat of broilers exporters of world, pressing even Canada [8]. The row of factors, among which one of basic is low quality of products, prevents to develop the agrarian sector of Ukraine. Expansion of going into a world market with all group of food stuffs without adaptation of the state checking system of there safety is impossible, as it requirement European and world legislation. That’s why it is necessary for Ukraine to inculcate the control system of the safety food products (NASSR) as an unique mechanism which will enable to simplify state control and stimulate development of enterprises, strengthening their competitiveness at the foreign and internal markets. Thus, the association of Ukraine with EU would give the possibility of receipt of help to harmonize the Ukrainian legislation with European and teach domestic specialists to work by system of NASSR. Besides that, Ukrainian AIC annually carries big losses from high export weight of raw material which in 2013 was 80%. Commodities with a low value added are exported mainly. So, in 2012 Ukraine exported 27114 thousands tons of grains and only 273,1 thousands of tons of products of flour-milling and groats production at the middle price of realization grains $258 per 1 ton of corn and at $325 per 1 ton of flour-milling and groats products, losing on a price difference about $1,5 milliards. Bureaucratic difficulties are not instrumental for growth and increase of export efficiency in a country. Surplus regulation, in particular on the stage of receipt of licencing documents. During the stages of making this document an agricultural producer loses much time and money. For example, an export certificate on grain costs 9,6 hryvna per 1 ton, in addition, enterprises which will realize agrarian products must order a certification in the European companies, that’s why costs increase twice. In the end, development of export direction of Ukrainian AIC in a considerable extent will depend on what geopolitical vector will be chosen by Ukraine: western or east, because of signing of agreement about the area of the free trading from EU is more friendly for Ukrainian AIC than collaboration in the network of the Customs Union, because Ukrainian producers and processing companies must follow the European agricultural product standards. Thus, they must promote the competitiveness of products.
Conclusions and perspectives of further research. It has been found out that Ukraine has considerable possibilities in agrarian production development and the country can transfer it into a high efficient export oriented competitive sector of the country economics. The agrarian sector can be the first to overcome the crisis and to become a locomotive of the national economics if we establish the inter-branch price parity and concentrate financial resources of agrarian business subjects and state budget.
It has been proved that liberalization of the domestic market takes place besides enlarging the external markets. This activates volumes of competitive import. To increase the competitiveness level of Ukrainian food products both raising of the rate of production and increase of its efficiency and meeting the requirements of ISO 9001, security system NASSR and the improved system of domestic food market protection with customs and technical regulation are necessary. We have found out a considerable influence of price levels in Ukraine and the partner countries on the further development of external trade relations. This influence requires establishing the average market price under reorganizing external and internal food markets. The price must be defined in Ukraine and in the partner countries which would activate domestic enterprises in their search of inner reserves of their products competitiveness increase.
We have investigated that in the last 13 years Ukraine has exceeded the world tendencies in the growth rate. Ukraine has increased the volume of foreign trade circulation 5.15 times as much. Its import had been exceeding the export during 2004-2013 that caused 10 times increase of negative external trade balance in the last 5 years (US $18,532 million) which is one of the reasons of destroying phenomenon in national economics. We have found out that the GDP of Ukraine AIC increased 2.4 times in 2000-2012 and made about 223 milliard hryvnya in 2012. The export of the products in the branch made 66% of GDP with the defrayal coefficient of 2.3. During 2000-2012 the external trade circulation in the branch increased 10,1 times, the export − 11,5 times and the positive external trade balance – 17.5.times (US $10300 million).
Table 3. – Regional structure of the world economic connections between Ukraine and groupments of the world, 2000 − 2013
Countries |
External trade circulation |
Balance |
Import |
Balance |
$ million |
% |
$ million |
% |
$ million |
% |
$ million |
% |
2000 р. |
986 |
38,2 |
804 |
50,8 |
183 |
18,4 |
621 |
* |
EU |
604 |
23,4 |
338 |
21,4 |
267 |
26,9 |
71 |
* |
African |
* |
* |
* |
* |
* |
* |
* |
* |
Asia |
* |
* |
* |
* |
* |
* |
* |
* |
Other |
904 |
35,1 |
422 |
26,7 |
480 |
48,3 |
* |
* |
82 |
3,2 |
18,2 |
1,1 |
64 |
6,4 |
- 45,4 |
* |
Total |
2576 |
100 |
1582 |
100 |
994 |
100 |
587,4 |
100 |
2005 р. |
2679,0 |
35,5 |
2011 |
43,5 |
668 |
23,3 |
1343 |
74,5 |
EU |
2165,0 |
28,7 |
1105 |
23,7 |
1060 |
36,9 |
45,8 |
2,5 |
African |
517,5 |
6,8 |
424,6 |
2,9 |
93 |
3,2 |
331,6 |
18,4 |
Asia |
* |
* |
* |
* |
* |
* |
* |
* |
Other |
2043 |
27,2 |
1106 |
23,7 |
938 |
32,7 |
168 |
9,2 |
134,5 |
1,8 |
22,6 |
0,5 |
112 |
3,9 |
-89 |
* |
Total |
7539 |
100 |
4669 |
100 |
2870 |
100 |
1799 |
100 |
2010 |
4495 |
27,6 |
3571 |
34,9 |
923 |
15,3 |
2648 |
63 |
EU |
4433 |
27,2 |
2124 |
20,8 |
2309 |
38,2 |
-185 |
* |
African |
1709 |
10,5 |
1381 |
13,5 |
328 |
5,4 |
1053 |
25,0 |
Asia |
4165 |
25,5 |
3042 |
29,7 |
1123 |
18,6 |
1919 |
45,7 |
Other |
1176 |
7,2 |
89,5 |
0,9 |
1083 |
17,9 |
-993 |
* |
311 |
2,0 |
26,4 |
0,3 |
284 |
4,7 |
-258 |
* |
Total |
16300 |
100 |
10200 |
100 |
6050 |
100 |
4200 |
100 |
2012 р. |
4650 |
17,8 |
3698 |
20,3 |
952,6 |
12,1 |
2745 |
26,6 |
EU |
8257 |
31,7 |
5079 |
27,9 |
3178 |
40,3 |
1901 |
18,4 |
African |
3882 |
14,9 |
3495 |
19,2 |
387 |
4,9 |
3108 |
30,1 |
Asia |
6887 |
26,4 |
5516 |
30,3 |
372 |
17,4 |
4144 |
40,2 |
Other |
2027 |
7,8 |
379 |
2,1 |
1648 |
20,9 |
-1270 |
* |
353 |
1,35 |
24,5 |
0,13 |
328,5 |
4,2 |
-304 |
* |
Total |
26100 |
100 |
18200 |
100 |
7900 |
100 |
10300 |
100 |
2012 р. до 2005 р.(±, times) |
1971,0 |
1,74 |
1687,0 |
1,84 |
285,0 |
1,43 |
1402,0 |
1,4 |
EU |
6092,0 |
3,58 |
3974,0 |
4,6 |
2118,0 |
3,0 |
1855,2 |
41,5 |
African |
3364,5 |
7,50 |
3070,4 |
8,23 |
294,0 |
4,16 |
2776,4 |
9,4 |
Other |
-16,0 |
* |
-727,0 |
-2,92 |
710,0 |
1,76 |
* |
* |
219 |
2,62 |
1,9 |
1,08 |
216,5 |
2,93 |
-215 |
-3,4 |
Total |
-92 |
15,44 |
8000,3 |
12,83 |
3623 |
2069 |
5818,6 |
14,2 |
2012 р. до 2010 р.(±, times) |
EU |
155,0 |
1,03 |
127 |
1,03 |
29,6 |
1,03 |
97 |
1,03 |
African |
3824,0 |
1,86 |
2955 |
2,39 |
869,0 |
1,38 |
2040,0 |
20,0 |
Asia |
2173,0 |
2,27 |
2114 |
2,53 |
59,0 |
1,18 |
2055 |
2,95 |
Other |
2722 |
1,65 |
2474 |
1,81 |
-751,0 |
0,33 |
2225 |
2,16 |
851 |
1,72 |
289,5 |
4,2 |
565 |
1,52 |
-277 |
1,28 |
Total |
42 |
1,13 |
-2,0 |
0,93 |
44,5 |
1,16 |
46 |
-1,18 |
EU |
9767 |
6,15 |
7957,5 |
12,89 |
816,1 |
6,6 |
6140,2 |
28,6 |
Source: calculated by the author with applying reports on foreign economic relations in Ukraine and AIC [6].
We have established that the main constituents of the branch export in 2000 −2012 are grains, oil seeds, sunflower oil, dairy products, which in the general structure of AIC export have taken 38,5%, 9,3%, 22,7%, 2,73% correspondingly, that makes 73.2% in total. It has been found out that significant changes have happened in the structure of external trade relationships of the AIC with the countries of CIS, EU and other groupments of the world countries. External trade circulation between the CIS countries and the AIC decreased from 38,2% in 2000 to 17,8% in 2012 at its absolute increase in 1,74 times.The export decreased from 50.8% to 20.3% at its absolute increase in 4,6 times. The part of Russia in the general structure of AIC during this period decreased from 28.7% to 15% at the export of AIC products to Russia absolute increase of 3,3 times. The weight of external trade circulation between the AIC and the countries of CIS and EU increased from 23.4% to 27,9% with the export increase of 15 times. The highest weight of the export of AIC products take Asia countries (27,9%) and CIS (20,3 %).It has been proved that the AIC unlike other branches of Ukrainian economics increased the export (10,13 times) and external trade balance (11,51 times) and the balance increased 17.53 times in 2012 compared to the corresponding period of 2008 under the crisis.
It was found out that the tempo of Ukraine export of food products exceeds 5 times the tempo of production growth which is 1.4 times higher than the world tendencies. That's why we need to optimize correlation between export and import, especially in meat and meat products to avoid production destabilization.
It’s advisable to make further research of the efficiency of expanding foreign markets drawn up in the countries of Asia and Africa, that was set in 2012 - 2014.
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