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107 Theoretical approaches to interpreting the definition of "market"
The article deals with theoretical and methodological approaches to the interpretation of the definition of "market". It deals
with the theoretical interpretation of the essence of the concept of the market, based on historical and socio-economic
transformation of the environment. It is proved that the theoretical aspects of market relations, which were formed in the leading
countries differ from market relations in our country mainly related to social-oriented economic activities, the place and role of
the state in economic regulation of the reproductive process.
It is proved that the market as one of the most popular categories in economic theory took long evolutionary period. First,
the concept of "market" was interpreted as a place of retail market square. Later, with the development of commodity-money
relations and deepening social division of labor category of "market" has received more complex content.
It is established that the concept of a self-regulating market directly associated with advanced educational environment in
pantheistic doctrine, which represents nature world, including man, part god. According to this understanding nature has some
reasonableness. There are the roots of the concept of a self-regulating market.
It is proved that evolution of the theories and concepts of the functioning of the market occurred permanently in the global
and domestic economic science. However, the development of market mechanisms in history has always been carried out under
the supervision of the state. The institutionalization of the government itself was one of the division of labor, and therefore
inseparable from the formation of the market.
Some deviant forms of development has been known in the history of the world economy. One of such economic deviations is the
self-regulatory market. Usually there are free enclaves outside powers defined by economic spaces. The most common format of
colonial trading posts can be considered. Interaction colonialists and natives formed on the principles of free market exchange.
It is proved that the implementation of market mechanisms in developed countries was carried out asynchronously, in different
historical periods. This process chronologically embraced more than three centuries. The variability of its occurrence in a country
corresponds to a single trend, which is to strengthen the state's role in the transition from the paternalistic to a market economy.
Another manifestation of deviant behavior toward a market economy is a phenomenon caused by an attempt to shift from a
market that requires a relationship of sale to the administrative distribution of goods. If the first deviation principle market was
considered as absurd, the second one hypertrophied the idea of manageability.
It should be noted that elements of the market existed in the Soviet Union. The presence of administrative planning and rigid
pricing policy does not mean the abolition of the principle that is based on the professional division of labor and trade. The state
has an indirect function in this case.
Some market elements retain their relevance even in times of maximizing mobilization component of governance of the war
It is proved that today at least five modelshave been developed in the western economic: pure competition, pure monopoly,
oligopoly, monopolistic competition, monopsony. It was established that none of the models of the market ever filled all the
macroeconomic space. They usually co-exist within a single national economy.
Keywords: market evolution, institutionalization, demand, realization.
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