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Characteristics of the economic conditions of production of farms
Under normal market conditions alone entities engaged in economic activities, develop strategy and tactics development. Any company seeking to efficiently, to competitive and sustainable development, which is largely determined by the availability and use of resource potential.
Agricultural modern civilization went incredibly complicated way of growth and development. During the transition to an industrial structure characteristics of agriculture has become the leading industrial sectors. Thanks to advances engineering, chemistry, biology qualitative changes have taken place to address food problems, including greatly increased crop yields and animal performance. However, as a result of global climate change, depletion of environmental system, reducing natural resources suitable for the efficient conduct of agricultural activity, the development of the agricultural sector is of particular relevance.
Forming an effective mechanism socially oriented agrarian economy Ukraine aims to balance economic processes, harmonious rural development and food security of society as a whole. Stabilize the economic situation and increase the efficiency of agricultural production can be achieved through sustainable development of agricultural enterprises is impossible without involving the production of new resources, and most importantly, innovation, additional investments, which in modern terms, most farmers are not able to provide.
The agricultural sector has the potential for significant development and investment attraction, due to the presence of sufficient land, skilled labor, favorable climatic conditions. However, there is insecurity of the domestic market and the rapidly growing demand for food in the world. Accordingly, we believe current study economic conditions of production of agricultural enterprises.
Agriculture is a major sector of the economy is characterized by fundamental features that distinguish it from other areas, seasonality, the effect of economic conditions, a variety of forms of economic, fiscal and land laws, etc. As the basic means of production it uses land, located in different natural zones are differentiated qualitative characteristics. Agricultural production as a subject and as a labor advocate biological objects, plants and animals. Therefore, the level of agricultural production is influenced not only economic, but also biological, chemical and physical laws, making it difficult to assess the impact of factors on the final results.
Synchronized to the rising cost of food world markets and in Ukraine led to renewed debate about the ability of our country to ensure saturation of the domestic market for agricultural products through the use of its own agricultural capacity.
One of the key factors in the development of the agricultural sector entities are land and labor resources. Currently, the land resources of Ukraine have become the primary factor of production, the foundation of the economic system of the state. Given the limited market for agricultural labor questions expansion of employment in rural areas remains a key.
Ukraine's agricultural sector has high resource potential. However, the lack of long-term strategies for agricultural development, including high-tech leads to agricultural producers receive high yields of crops, thus have low income.
The study of the current state of the agricultural sector of Ukraine indicated the problems that need urgent attention, namely the formation of competitive agricultural production based on the integration process that will ensure the establishment of direct contacts between the parties, eliminating intermediary links, reduce costs and increase profits ensure the financial sustainability of the system integration of participants; diversification of agricultural production through the development of industry and processing; Improving social villages, increase employment and income; creating a favorable investment climate in the agricultural sector.
The article analyzes the state of the agricultural sector of Ukraine found its challenges and opportunities set of socio-economic trends defined level of workforce, made the division between agricultural enterprises and private households in terms of gross output in comparable prices.
Key words: agriculture, farming, current status, problems, development, economic conditions, resource potential, output.
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