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Methodological approaches to research the efficiency of social infrastructure management in rural territories

The article examines the factors that influence the sustainability of the agricultural enterprise, as well as approaches to determining the vector of their influence on achieving sustainability and developing practical recommendations for strengthening (weakening) their action. It is substantiated that ensuring the stable functioning of agricultural enterprises in conditions of martial law requires the search for new approaches to achieving sustainability. The author’s approach to interpreting the sustainable development of an enterprise involves its stable acquisition of a new quality, which is manifested in a balanced change in subsystems - economic, social, environmental, which ensure the achievement of sustainability based on the use of innovations.
It is proven that the condition for achieving sustainability by the agricultural enterprise is the stability of its development, which is considered as a tool for ensuring sustainability. It is concluded that small and medium-sized agricultural enterprises do not have sufficient adaptive capabilities to the conditions of the external environment, which makes it difficult for them to achieve sustainability.
It is argued that the internal factors that influence the achievement of sustainability by the agricultural enterprise, unlike external ones, are subjective and most of them are subject to quantitative assessment. It is argued that the quality of the management process of an agricultural enterprise is one of the factors of the external environment that influences its achievement of sustainability. Indicators of management quality assessment are highlighted, which should be taken into account in the system of the most influential factors on the achievement of sustainability by an enterprise.
The internal social factors that influence the sustainability of an agricultural enterprise include the following: the level of quality of employees life, the level of social security, indicators of staff turnover, the qualitative structure of employees by education, age, etc. The most important environmental indicators for ensuring the sustainability of the agricultural enterprise are highlighted, among which are: compliance with crop rotation, rational use of fertilizers, protection of fields (plantations), maintenance of ecological and landscape systems of agriculture, alternative agricultural production, technologies for the use and disposal of by-products, etc. It is substantiated that the transition of an agricultural enterprise to the principles of sustainable development occurs provided that it achieves sustainable development and economic growth of the main resulting indicators.
Key words: sustainable development, agricultural enterprise, external factors, internal factors, sustainability, models of sustainable development, qualitative economic growth.


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