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Theoretical principles of the Ukrainian agricultural markets

Agri-food market is one of the types of markets, which are inherent in both general and distinctive features. As part of the single 
market space, agri-food market operates on the general principles of market economy: customer orientation, freedom of choice, freedom 
of the manufacturer, the competitive nature of the relationship of participants, the priority of private interest. 
Supply and demand as the main factors of agri-food market, in turn, affected a large number of internal and external factors, which 
include production technology and consumer tastes, the weather conditions and the political climate in the country, tax policy and the 
exchange rate of the national currency, change population etc. However, each of these factors affect the price or through demand or 
through an offer. 
Feature agri-food market can be characterized through its functions, the main ones are: providing effective demand food; realization 
of gross national product for personal consumption; product range and maintaining a certain level of quality of goods; stimulation of 
agricultural producers; providing customers of appropriate quality agricultural products to the extent adequate to meet needs; stabilize 
prices of agricultural products; In normal functioning system of logistics, this feature contributes to the equilibrium market prices of 
agricultural  products  that  ensure  the  profitability  of  production;  improving  the  efficiency  of  agricultural  production;  promote  the 
development and improvement of inter-economic relations; 
provision of social infrastructure and solving social problems of rural areas. 
The main features of agri-food market are: specific food and raw materials for their production; relationship in the production and 
sale of food products from virtually all sectors of the economy; seasonal nature of production; level of economic development, economic 
system, national characteristics and nutritional benefits of population. 
The generalization of existing approaches to the interpretation of the category of "agri-food market" made it possible to find out 
what  it  viewed  as  a  dynamic  system  of  socio-economic  relations  between  producers  and  consumers  of  agricultural  products,  raw 
materials and food, developing the organic unity of the reproduction process. Characteristic features of agri-food market as a system is its 
integrity;  interdependence  functioning  parts  of  the  whole;  versatility  of  the  system;  adaptability  agricultural  markets;  stochasticity 
functioning; skill development; productivity inertia systems market. 
The main features of agri-food  market, the following: specific  food  and raw materials for their production; relationship in the 
production  and  sale  of  food  products  from  virtually  all  sectors  of  the  economy;  seasonal  nature  of  production;  level  of  economic 
development, economic system, national characteristics and advantages of the system nutrition. 
We believe that the agri-food market - a complex system of economic relations and institutional forms of proof of agro-food 
products to the final consumer. 
Keywords: agri-food market, the functioning of agricultural markets, factors of agri-food market, the set of relations in the 
agro-food market. 

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