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Theoretical foundations for estimating the efficiency of production of poultry products in agricultural enterprises
Poultry farming is an industry that is developing dynamically, in which the terms of labor, feed and other material and technical
resources for the unit's production is significantly lower than in other livestock sectors. Very important is that the price of meat birds taking
into account the nutritional value is much lower than in pork, beef and lamb, because in the country a considerable part of the population
with low purchasing power.
In large measure the economic efficiency of the industry determines that it has a number of specific features, which are discussed in this
The sector performance is characterized by the level of production of poultry products per capita, the level of labor productivity in
industry, which will allow you to assess the extent to which domestic producers are able to provide the population with quality products and
the competitiveness of the industry.
The efficiency of poultry enterprise reflects the level of efficiency of resource potential of an economic entity, characterized by the level
of resource intensity of products.
The efficiency of production of poultry meat reflects the level of use of innovative technologies in the production of
products which are in demand in the market, characterized by its level of quality, cost, price, profitability and other indicators.
Note that at each level, determine the effectiveness formed an adequate system of indicators that allows to fully,
comprehensively and systematically to identify.
The following principles of building systems performance indicators: efficiency the productive sub complex, the efficiency of the
poultry industry, the efficiency of the company and products, the effectiveness of individual kinds of labor. In modern conditions is the
optimal system of indicators that characterizes financial condition of the enterprise, efficient use of productive resources, the market of
poultry products.
When studying the state of the market of poultry products is necessary to conduct an analysis of its capacity, aggregate demand and
aggregate supply in poultry products by types of products, the level of saturation of the market with poultry products, the purchasing power
of the population.
Currently very urgent problem of the stabilization of economic development of the poultry industry is further improving its economic
efficiency. It is characterized by a system of indicators, among which the most important are the productivity (egg laying chickens, average
daily gain); labor costs per 1 thousand eggs and 1 kg of increase; the cost of feed per unit of output; the cost of 1 thousand eggs and 1 kg of
increase; the profit from the sale of poultry products, the level of profitability
Knowing the role of each element of fixed assets in the production process, their physical and moral deterioration, factors affecting the
use of fixed assets, it is possible to identify approaches and tools, which increases the efficiency of use of capital assets and production
capacity, reducing his costs and improving productivity.
Hence, to assess the efficiency of production of poultry meat is proposed to use a number of indicators of volume of production, costs
of production and profitability. The proposed system of indicators of economic efficiency of production of meat products poultry enterprise
allows you to obtain a comprehensive characterization of its activity.
Keywords: poultry farming, poultry farming, production efficiency, efficiency analysis, system of indicators for effectiveness
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