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Theoretical foundations of economic relations in agriculture



Ensuring sustainable and dynamic economic development requires a thorough investigation of the content of economic relations in agriculture.

The purpose of this article is to study the theoretical foundations of economic relations in agriculture and improvement mechanisms.

The formation and development of economic relations in agriculture has certain characteristics associated with the specific formulation of scientific experiments.

Economic relations in agriculture lie in the fact that they occur between landowners, entrepreneurs (land users) and hired workers. In other words, the limitations and the inability to play it contribute to two types of monopoly on land. Full owner (landlord) has the monopoly of private property, that it can provide or not provide the employer (the lessee) to make capital of his land. In the case where the landlord and tenant are combined in one person, economic relations are simplified.

The next feature of agricultural production is to build value and price of agricultural production. Due to the land limitations is involved in the commercial production and worst fertility areas, because society can not cope without them economically. Consequently, the company is obliged to reimburse the costs of production and producers in the worst lands. In agriculture, production cost and price conscious are formed by individual producers in terms of the worst areas, such as operating different principle than on manufactured goods. Hence, on average and the best parts of the unit price will be much lower than the market, therefore, the entrepreneurs of these lands will receive more income, ceteris paribus, in particular under the same labor costs.

Today economic relations in agriculture is not only a land relations but also organizational and economic relations in the field of credit, finance, marketing, management, money, stock exchanges and more.

Economic relations are formed as a result of the interaction of three relatively independent subsystems, which are technical, economic, organizational, economic and socio-economic relations.

Technical and economic relations are expressed in specialization, cooperation, integration of production, its concentration, the exchange activities between people in an economic indicator and more. They are closely related to organizational and economic relations arising in the process of production, distribution, exchange and consumption, in the management of these processes.

Technical, organizational and economic relations play an important role in the production, distribution, exchange and consumption, the degree of development is an essential feature of the socialization of production, the productive forces of society. They are closely and directly related to the relationship between production, distribution, exchange and consumption, which are based on various types and forms of ownership. Their development, like the development of the productive forces, contributes to the efficiency of social production.

Socio-economic relations is a social form of production, the nature and basis of which represent the relationship of the means of production, natural resources, human factor, the good life . Socio-economic relations also include the socio-economic aspect of employment (nature of work) and the relations of distribution.

Thus, the process of material production is the core of the formation of economic relations. He is the source of economic development. Material production of society can not exist at all.

Key words: economic relations, agriculture, organizational and economic relations, social and economic relations, technical and economic relations, environmental and economic relations.

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