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The article examines the theoretical nature of investment and the investment process in investing in agricultural enterprises. It is noted that the investment theory began to take shape simultaneously with the world market, the development of which was caused by the great geographical discovery of the XV-XVI centuries. The investment theory of the era of mercantilism is considered. It was proved that they identified the wealth of the nation with money, and money with precious metals. In the works of physiocrats, investment was considered as a process aimed at restoring and increasing capital, with the help of which not only production in agriculture is carried out, but national wealth as a whole grows. Representatives of the school of neoclassical direction, it was determined that the proposal is governed by the bank interest rate, which acts as the offer price in the capital market, and demand - the rate of return on invested capital, which gets the entrepreneur. It is proved that in the broad sense of Keynesian investment theory can be considered protectionist, since it promotes the protection of the national economy from foreign investment.
Based on an analysis of investment research, leading foreign and domestic scientists have made certain conclusions in determining the nature of investments and the investment process in investing in agricultural enterprises. Considered the main factors affecting the volume of investment. Focused on an investment project.
It has been proven that the development and implementation of an investment project (primarily a production focus) under market conditions consists of three phases: pre-investment (a preliminary study before the final investment decision); investment (design, contract, contract, construction) and production (phase of economic activity of the enterprise). In turn, these phases are divided into stages and stages: investment motivation, forecasting and programming of investments, rationale for investment, insurance of investments, government regulation of the investment process, investment planning, financing of the investment process, design and pricing, provision of investments with material and technical resources, development of investments, preparation for production, previous delivery and acceptance into operation, final Dacha facility.
The significance of the investment component of the development and operation of an agricultural enterprise is described, the role of which is exacerbated in the context of the instability of the economic environment and the permanent lack of financial resources.
Keywords:investment project, financial resources, net profit margin, lending rate, inflation.

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