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Some problems of agriculture production in Ukraine
The modern state and trends of agrarian production in Ukraine are analyzed in the article, as well as the ecological problems in land use are studied and the main systemic factors of hampering the reforming of agro-industrial complex are identified.
The author has found out, that the market factors in Ukraine had an impact on the agricultural production structure, where the corporate and individual businesses have their niche. The corporate businesses produce the most attractive and export orientated products, whereas the individual businesses, in particular the private plots, produce the not profitable and labor-intensive products – potatoes, vegetable, fruits, milk and some other.
The original causes for development of vertically integrated structures in the agricultural sector of Ukrainian economics are disclosed. The system of state support for agricultural production and its efficiency are observed. The measures for agrarian sector reforming are proposed.
To the authors’ opinion, the typical feature of agro-holdings’ management is that not all their lands are cultivated. This is an evidence, that they have accumulated the land resources not for agrarian production but for the following resell.
Basing on the study results, it can be asserted that a trend towards further consolidation of big agro-holdings will be observed in the agrarian sector of Ukraine. The cost of agribusinesses will begin to decrease and financing will remain hard-to-reach, thus it cannot be excluded, that these businesses may be bought by foreign companies. It is known, that the domestic agrarian sector is considered by the analytics as the most rapidly growing and efficient branch in Ukraine.
It is pointed out, that at present the businesses of the population are stratificated after the resources volume and type of activity: whereas the part of agricultural households of interim type (subsistence-commodity households) decrease, the following businesses increase: 1) those producing food not only for the self-sufficiency; 2) commodity producing businesses with the world standard farm qualities. The development of family type businesses (they are mainly the households) is hampered by the attitude to them as to the “households” or “not promising businesses”. This had an impact on formation of the market infrastructure and the system of state support to the agrarian sector (the peasants’ households practically have no direct access to them), ignoring the needs of these businesses in production modernization and quality improvement of human capital, obtaining just prices, protection of economic and social interests.
To the authors’ opinion, the main reason of sharp differentiation in development rates of some branches is big difference in profitability level and institutional miscalculations of state bodies.
As the study results show, the world trends towards food deficit and prices growth can be considered as challenge to Ukrainian agrarian production in conditions of open national economy. These trends can act as an active incentive for revival of agricultural production and exports, as a source of additional financial resources for the sector development and capitalization, as basis for enforcement of domestic agrarian potential – an important and yet not sufficiently disclosed national competitive advantage.
The mentioned trends of world and national agrarian markets determine the necessity of acceleration of reforms in agrarian sector of Ukraine, of purposeful measures of state policy aimed at stability of food market and use of potential benefits of active presence of Ukraine on the world food markets.
Key words: agriculture, vertically integrated structures, population’s households, production.
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