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The rural household food cost

The cost of food is a major item of expenditure of rural households, consisting of monetary and non-monetary units. The relationship between these parts varies with the growth or, conversely, reduced total income of rural households.

The purpose of the articles is to study the detection of the trends in the cost of rural households on food and justification of proposals for regulation.

Food is one of the links that connects the living and inanimate nature. Current research in this area is reflected in the concept of a balanced diet. According to this concept the normal functioning of the organism is possible only if it`s necessary to provide a set of so-called «essential factors» food. In case of lack of supply or violation of certain optimal ratio between them there are significant changes in the functioning of the human body.

Citizens with nutrients and energy are expressed in physiological nutritional standards, which are averages. These standards are the basis of the official recommended intake values of the nutrients and energy for different groups of the population. In particular, the need of energy to cover the energy costs of basal metabolism (mean 1 kcal per 1 kg for 1 h), the digestion and transport of nutrients within the body, as well as a work or leisure (only 2700-2850 calories a day).

Malnutrition always has a negative impact on the human body. But if it becomes widespread, then this other than purely biological, added social and political turmoil.

During the years 2006-2011 the total food cost of rural households in Lviv oblast (with per capita per month) increased from 266, 80 to 598, 36 USD, ie 2,2 times. In this case, the cash cost of purchasing food products increased from 383, 30 to 151,49 USD, or 2,5 times, which led to the increasing in their share of total spending on food from 56,8 to 64,1 %. Another part of the total cost of food is a cost of energy products, produced in private households. In 2006, the share of total food expenditures in total resources of rural households was 61, 3 percent, and in 2011 – 47, 9. Despite the high level of the index (in developed countries does not exceed 10-15 per cent), it should be noted the positive trend of its change.

The share of cash expenditures on food in total cash costs of rural households during 2006-2011 years decreased from 47, 1 to 38,5 percent. Thus, due to the growth of total cash income of rural residents have the opportunity to spend a smaller portion of its food supply even in a decline in agricultural production on household plots.

Analysis of the total cash structure and food expenditures showed that it is too high relative share belongs to the rural families cost of bread and bakery products, butter and other fats. However, there is a low proportion of expenditure on meat and meat products, fruits and berries.

The cash increase expenditures of rural households purchase food items for certain quality improving diet. Villagers increased consumption of meat and meat products, vegetables and melons, fruits, berries and grapes.

Extremely negative trends in food consumption both rural and urban residents is a significant reduction in the consumption of milk and milk products. If current trends to be expected deterioration in the balance of food rations, which will inevitably be reflected in the level of public health.

Key words: rural household, total expenditure, spending on food.


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