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Problems of financing investment activity APC

Attention is paid to issues of component factors in agriculture Kiev region. Substantiates the ability to define innovative 
agricultural  enterprises  assessment  based  on  an  assessment  of  the  investment  policy.  We  give  a  brief  description  of  the 
mechanism  to  attract  real  investment  in  agribusiness.  Material  article  is  aimed  at  a  wide  audience  of  researchers,  teachers, 
employees of government agencies and university students. 
Questions  investment  evaluation  component  factors,  characteristics  of  effective  use,  development  and  study  trends  and 
sources of investment estimates and their rational combination of agricultural enterprises require further study.  
The  main  objective  of  the research  is  to  study  the  theoretical  and  practical  aspects  of  investment  evaluation  component 
factors in agriculture Kiev region. 
Theoretical and methodological basis of the study is the dialectical method of knowledge and systematic approach by which 
the  theoretical  and  methodological  bases  of  formation  evaluation  component  factors  of  investment  in  agriculture,  current 
conditions and characteristics of their influence.  
Investment in agriculture (factorial sign) have a significant impact on a number of important indicators such as retained 
earnings,  profitability,  wages  of  employees  (effective  signs).  Evaluation  of  the  above  indicators  suggests  the  end  result 
agribusiness  investment  in  the  region,  to  identify  the  real  picture  of  resource  and  its  reproductive  characteristics,  identify 
unfavorable situation of investment activity and slow rate of movement of capital in general.  
An  important  way  to  increase  the  efficiency  of  investment  in  agriculture  is  to  improve  the  structure  of  capital  costs, 
technological, reproduction, sectoral and territorial. In large-scale investments in dire need of virtually all sectors of agriculture, 
agriculture, manufacturing, social sphere of the village. This problem should be solved primarily by improving the investment 
climate that encourages  domestic and  foreign  investment  to  address  urgent problems  of  agro-industrial  production and social 
problems of the village.  
Keywords: investments, investment appraisal, agriculture, factors Kyiv region. 

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