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Principles of Organizational and Economic Stability personally krestyanskoho economy in Ukraine

The article proves the firmness strategy of the private agricultural household category in Ukraine, based on the necessity to 
meet the vital demands for private household members and their families regardless the production efficiency level, using non-
complicated production means, manual work, multiindustrial activity, which mitigate to a greater extent the negative influence of 
destructive phenomena in social and economic development of the country (inflationary development, price disparity, absence of 
the  proper  state  support,  etc.).  Generalizing  evolutionary  development  and  systematic  research  of  the  private  agricultural 
household activities leads to the conclusion that under modern conditions most private agricultural households are characterized 
by the firmness strategy. 
The  production  of  agricultural  commodities  in  the  private  agricultural  household  using  manual  work  and  primitive 
production  means  has  become  somewhat  a  least-evil  solution,  as  there  are  no  other  ways  of  food  product  supplies  for  most 
private  agricultural  households.  According  to  the  selective  inspection  of  agricultural  households,  94.9  per  cent  of  them  use 
manual work to cultivate their plot of land. Therefore, the problem of food supplies at the level of the agricultural household is 
being solved basically to meet the demands of the human body. 
It has been determined that the natural of semi-marketable way of production and using basically manual work the demands 
of  agricultural  households  are  slight  in  funds.  Financial  resources  can  be  spent  mainly  due  to  their  salary,  entrepreneurship, 
pension,  rent  income  from  land  and  property  lease.  Increasing  the  production  commercialization  of  agricultural  products  in 
private households converts them into dependents on the situation in the agricultural commodity  market, which increases the 
production risk. 
It  has  been  proved  that  during  mass  unemployment  periods  in  rural  areas  as  a  result  of  crisis  phenomena  the  private 
agricultural household has become the centre of labour pool work activity, the important source of supply  of necessary food 
products and financial resources. 
Stinting  themselves  of  nutrition  peasants  realize  products  on  food  markets,  which  are  made  in  private  agricultural 
households, in order to have financial resources to buy necessary goods: clothing, footwear, schoolbooks, medicine, etc. 
The main feature in firmness to the economic crisis impact is the aim of the activity: private agricultural households produce 
goods first of all to meet their own demands, which is one of the features of crofting, and agricultural households of different 
forms of economic management – to earn a profit. 
The evolution of private agricultural household functioning proves that during their existence private agricultural households have been 
trying to minimize their formal relations with the state. The roots of such circumstances are the indeterminate attitude of authorities to their 
activities, motivating it by ideological views and lack of any prospect of their activities. 
It has been determined that private agricultural households are a peculiar buffer which slows down the total decrease of 
agricultural commodity production, and thus supports the certain level of the state food security. Therefore, the lack of attention 
to economic problems to receive agricultural products in national private agricultural households is unjustified, as they produce 
more than 60 per cent of state food supplies. 
For every single owner of a private agricultural household as an auxiliary, consumer household it is not essential whether it 
is efficient or not. They will engage in such production even in the hardest conditions regardless any expenses. However, this 
happens to some extent – to meet their own demands. 
Keywords: private farm, rural household, stability, survival, destructive phenomena. 

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