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Features of vegetable development in peasant personal peasant economy
The article finds that the main reasons for the movement of the main volumes of vegetable production in the PF are the inconsistency and incompleteness of market reforms in agriculture, which has affected the state of the corporate sector of agrarian production, as well as the need to solve the problem of forming the family budget of a significant part of the rural population, mainly due to proceeds from the sale of grown products. Such a redistribution of production has both positive and negative moments: production has become low-profitable, the bulk of products are used for domestic consumption, the population consumes vegetables extremely unevenly throughout the year and depending on the region.
It is proved that the primitive way of using labor and conservatism in the organization of the production process, the avoidance of progressive technical techniques negatively affected the yield of vegetable crops, and, as a consequence, reduces the potential volume of gross tax.
The main problems hampering the further development of vegetable growing in individual peasant farms are: low competitiveness of vegetable products, in the price range through the use of high-cost technologies with low level of mechanization of production processes; reduction of the role of science in the development of vegetable growing; low product marketability; lack of quality seed material of vegetable crops meeting the requirements of local soil-climatic conditions.
To increase the production of vegetables in the personal peasant economy and increase the income of rural residents on this basis, it is necessary to provide them with support at the state and local levels. Favorable lending is among the most important support measures; creation of specialized service structures, including the sale of vegetable products; stimulation of economic entities providing assistance to households; the development of cooperative ties of private peasant farms with agricultural, processing enterprises, trade establishments.
Proposed measures of state and regional support to private peasant farms will promote sustainable development of rural areas and ensuring food security of Ukraine.
Key words:personal peasant farming, vegetable growing, production, sale, consumption, self-sufficiency.
doi: 10.33245/2310-9262-2019-148-1-146-157
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