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Organizational culture as a component of improving the system of moral incentives for employees in agricultural enterprises
The term essence of the organizational culture is determined, the current state of the organizational culture is analyzed and ways to improve the existing situation are identified.
The author used statistical, comparative and logical research methods. Development of the organizational culture in the Ukrainian enterprises in general and organizations of the agricultural sector is an important component of the structural reforming. It aims to achieve social and economic management efficiency under conditions of concurrent implementation of objectives of the operation of enterprises. The use of non-material motivation methods is effective due to the lack of sufficient funds for material methods and the need for constant innovations in the motivation system. Moreover, scientists have proved the fact that it is necessary to change motivation methods for emplyeesevery 3 months. The main approaches to the definition of the organizational culture and its functions in the enterprise are considered. The significance of the organizational culture in the system of non-material incentives for employees is determined. Non-material elements of the employee motivation based on the questionnaire are shown on the paper. Some terms of the enterprise mission and business credo are considered.
Variations of the enterprise mission and the personnel that would encourage employees to work most are suggested. In order to improve the labor collective interest it is proposed to develop a local legal act “Provisions on moral and material incentives for employees”. It is proposed to use a number of provisions as a basis for enterprise ethical code that can be considered as the principles of non-material incentives in its content.
The effective functioning of the system of personnel development under modern conditions is impossible without the organizational culture of the organization. The high level of the organizational culture promotes employees loyalty to the enterprise.
Keywords: organizational culture, motivation, non-material incentives
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