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Organizational and technological factors of milk production intensification in the agricultural enterprises

Under conditions of the economic crisis and shortage of resources for development of intensive dairy livestock it should be 
the basis which will increase production of quality products for the least expenditure of material and money and manpower. 

The intensive economic growth involves increasing production and improving its quality based on production factors use 
more efficient. There is a need to combine the increase of productivity and number of cows. Obviously the increase of cows’ 
number is related to livestock feed resources.  The cow’s productivity increase is essential for the implementation of the planned 
The sharp decline in the number of cows and their productivity is often reasoned by lack of feed. Thus, we can conclude 
about the need to adapt the number of cows to the optimal size to ensure maximum productivity and efficient use of available 
feed resources. Therefore, the effectiveness of livestock production intensification critically depends on the availability of forage 
base that allows providing a complete, balanced feeding of animals. Further increase of livestock density is a growth reserve for 
livestock production. 
Providing  intensive  dairy  development  is  based  on  introduction  and  development  of  new  technologies  with  the  use  of 
foreign systems of machine milking, feeding and organization of production in modern way. It could be a main reason to increase 
an efficiency of dairy livestock. 
Obviously, to achieve the maximum level of cow productivity the technical and technological factors has to be increased. It 
requires  an  improvement  of  biological  factors  (animal’s  adaptation  to  technology  production),  organizational  and  economic 
factors (investment management to expand playback). 
The widespread introduction of modern milk production technologies requires new approaches to the creation of the milking 
equipment. Modern technologies require the creation of high-performance and computer-milking platforms. 
It is necessary to decrease the period of milk keeping at milk farms, which leads firstly to increased costs, and secondly, 
unreasonably lowered milk fat content. It is known that milk does not lose its technological qualities if it comes for processing 
after  milking  for  2-3  hours.  The  system  machine  milking  provides  raw  milk  cooling,  which  after  milking  can  be  sold  for 
processing enterprises with high quality. Thus, the intensity of the dairy livestock in agricultural enterprises can be achieved by 
complex technical and technological, organizational and economic measures. 
Keywords: milk production, intensification, livestock, dairy products, factors of intensification, complexed intensification. 

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