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Organizational-economic bases of development of the network of points molokozagotovitelnyh

Raw milk in Ukraine is purchased by manufacturers from two sources: 20 % – large-scale farms, 80 % of individual farms. Even with 
the high volume ratio of individual farms are in a losing position. First of all, through the reduction of milk quality during milking. The main 
reasons  for the decline in the  quality  of  the products are:  hand  milking, lack the ability  to  quickly  cool  the  milk to  optimum storage 
temperatures, the lack of monitoring of quality characteristics of milk. 
The largest share of milk sold OSG processors that is defined by its specific features: low transportability of the raw materials in the 
summer; the necessity of using special vehicles and the inability of the owners PF their own to implement dairy products in the cities. 
The problem of milk quality is the state of scale of the low quality of raw dairy products, produced by domestic dairy enterprises, can 
not be exported, which significantly narrows the possibilities of such enterprises. 
Gradual growth in the sale of class II milk, mainly due to subjective factors, notably a lack of laboratory equipment for determining the 
quality of milk coming from individual farms. Procurement of milk processing enterprises is carried out through a network of procurement 
The survey of procurement items, buying milk in OSG has revealed a number of significant issues that need to be addressed both 
locally and at the state level. Among these problems include: absence of premises that could provide the right conditions for acceptance and 
storage of milk, insufficient supply of items of engineering networks, low qualification of the personnel responsible for the quality  of 
received milk, the lack of facilities, unresolved logistical problems, and so on. 
Given the situation, the most effective is the distribution of functions for obtaining and procurement of milk. To produce milk can 
individual households or cooperatives of citizens – owners of cattle solely on the basis of necessity of forming of batches of agricultural 
products. Thus the function of pre-treatment (filtration, cooling and temporary storage of milk can run a separate business entity. 
To optimize the system of state control and supervision of safety and quality of raw milk the following activities are proposed: the 
implementation of public procurement of inventory items, which are procurement of milk in OSG; ensure the consistency of procurement of 
items of veterinary-sanitary requirements by additional development at the expense of public funds, and by businesses that are owned buying 
stations; involvement of private investment in the field of certification and testing of raw milk; the creation of rural cooperatives  that would 
be able to properly equip their purchasing items and to ensure a high quality of raw milk. 
Considering the tendency to the formation of own raw material zone of the dairy processing industry it is appropriate that procurement 
items were their property. This circumstance is due to the following. First, countertrade products of milk processing that will encourage the 
owners of private farms to implement the milk to the processor. Secondly, in the short-term power  you can refocus on the processing of milk 
that comes from  producers of all forms of management, which will significantly reduce logistics cost processor. Thirdly, if there is a 
sufficient amount of milk and in the case of partial modernization of production on the basis of the item for procurement of milk will be 
possible to carry out operations not only primary processing, and production of final dairy products. 
Keywords: milk, population, harvesting, farming, processing. 

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