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Organisational and economic bases of the production efficiency management at agricultural enterprises
The management process is a system which functions using material, financial, labour and intellectual resources. So it should be rationally organized which means that all the system elements are regulated, integrated, their functioning is interrelated and they remain in the functional dependence.
In order to form the conceptual framework of the agricultural production management actual level efficiency, to justify the research actuality for the evaluation of the accumulated experience in management we have learned the opinions of regional and state agro-business structures representatives. The carried out questionnaire showed the actual state of the management system and allowed to analyse its perspectives at agricultural enterprises of the studied region.
As the analysis results show, 73,4% of interviewed persons have no clear ideas about the risks management, 16,4% have heard about this management activity from foreign sources and only |10,2% follow studies and works devoted to risks management and analyse the frequency of dangerous natural phenomenon appearance. 26,5% of interviewed persons apply some elements of risks management in their practical activity relying on their own experience or that of neighbouring enterprises. 46,4% of responders make decisions intuitively relying on financial conditions and orders of top company.
According to the interviewed persons in 36,5% of cases the damages and the income losses are caused by dangerous weather phenomenon, 42% of respondents believe that instable political and economic situation in the country, the prices disparity have a bigger impact on incomes. 16,4% of respondents ensure their yields, most of them believe that it is mandatory in spite of the fact that in Ukraine only 37 insurance types were mandatory and the insurance of agricultural risks is not in this list.
We should say that 49,4% of specialists think that it would be reasonable to implement the management system taking into account risks at the absence of analogical measures. It can be explained by an insufficient awareness and also by the absence of technical means (absence of Internet, obsolete computers), by a low qualification of decisions makers.
As for the efficiency of the management system in plants growing the question of the agriculture efficiency is number one in the list. Almost 68,1% of respondents believe that the agriculture is an unprofitable branch, 35% think that it is a consciously unprofitable. This position is understandable as primary agricultural products often don’t come up to price expectancies of agricultural producers and sometimes their harvesting and storing are even disadvantageous.
The agricultural production efficiency is a complex economic category which is characterized by the dimension of the received effect per unit of used summary resources in the branch and generally at enterprise. The economic efficiency as a form of final result obtained from production means and from direct labour use at different production levels will encourage a task-oriented management of modernization process and activity intensification at agricultural enterprises. In order to make scientifically justified management decision at agricultural enterprise the indices for the operational management should be formed at the first level of the production efficiency management. The second level of the production efficiency management requires the indices for tactical management and the third level requires the indices for strategy management in general at enterprise.
Key words: production efficiency, efficiency management, operational management, strategic management.
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