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The article establishes the necessity of developing a methodology for assessing the economic stability of production and sales in both theoretical and practical aspects. It is specified that when maximizing the profit of an enterprise, account should be taken of the growing production risks.
Estimates of stability and / or riskiness of manufactured and sold products, using the indicator of the price operational leverage and the coefficient of profitability of sales.
The article summarizes the methodical approaches to determining the indicator of an operating leverage in foreign economic literature. Practical calculations of the natural and price operational levers are presented, criteria for the acceptable level of entrepreneurial risk are developed taking into account the financial stability of the agricultural enterprise.
Statistical information on the size and structure of the cost of production of certain types of plant products (wheat, corn, sunflower, grapes) in agricultural enterprises is systematized. The structure of fixed and variable costs in the production of these crops is determined, as well as the situation of the relevant product markets.
It is proved that the calculation of the level of operating leverage in the production of a particular type of crop production allows us to assess the state of economic sustainability and, accordingly, to formulate rational management decisions to achieve the permissible level of risk and increase the efficiency of production activities. The mechanism of management of the production program is based on the consideration of the change in the value of the strength of the operating lever at different trends in the development of the market situation of the corresponding products.
It is substantiated that the size of the operating lever is influenced by the sectoral features of agricultural production, the level of technical support, the volume of production, the price conjuncture of the domestic and foreign markets of the corresponding products, etc. indicators. The authors highlight that the main advantage of operational analysis for the enterprise management system is the ability to develop scenarios of influence on the amount of profit that the enterprise will receive, subject to a change in several factors: volume of production, composition and value of costs, product prices, structural changes in the product composition of the production program .
Keywords: sustainability, riskiness, operational leverage, profitability of sales, income, profit.
doi: 10.33245/2310-9262-2019-148-1-111-120
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