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Methodology of achieving synchronization in the process of setting markets in the EU and Ukraine
The paper deals with theoretical study of the methodology methodology of achieving synchronization in the process of setting markets in the EU and Ukraine which would ensure the mutual trade balance between Ukraine and the EU on the basis of reciprocity regime promoting investment from the EU to Ukraine and Ukrainian exporters to the EU markets, introduction of common legal framework and common standards in the field of competition and state support to the manufacturers. It is shown that synchronization is a major feature of the process of markets setting in the European Union and Ukraine, which concerns one of the most difficult issue - the problem of economic globalization, which enables to predict and detect the most typical features of the new historical period. Relevant exchange of goods between countries is impossible without the synchronization process, setting markets without synchronization processes aims at obtaining an unfair commercial advantage and securing a dominant position in the market, defrauding partners in the common market. There has been found out that the synchronization process acquires a new quality and becomes a summative in a coherent and complete structural factor where the formation of stable relationships between states is one of the components.
There has been analyzed a system of new conflicts between national and supranational authorities integration association, Decrees of the President of Ukraine and the legal framework in terms of their lack of requirement to achieve Ukraine in terms of level of economic development, which is characteristic of EU GDP production in Ukraine per person for the 2000-2012 and in some EU countries, the share of Ukraine's GDP and its export structure in 2012, the pattern of world production and exports, Ukraine's place in the human development index. There has been found out that the state of the process of economic integration of Ukraine and its agriculture is determined by the synchronous markets setting in the EU and Ukraine in comparison with other countries. The export part of Ukraine in 2012, the GDP amounted to 39.6% , the export component of the AIC - 66%, which made the highest rate in Europe. According to the data on the dynamics of foreign economic relations Ukraine AIC during the last 13 years ( 2000-2013 years) we have found out that agricultural foreign trade turnover of Ukraine with the EU increased in 2012 compared to 2000 by 13.6 times and made 31.67 % in the structure of agricultural exports, exceeding the 2000 level by 7.3 times, of which exports to the EU increased by 15 times in 2012 compared to 2000 and amounted to 27.9 % of total agricultural exports , imports of agricultural management of soil in the EU to Ukraine in 2012 increased compared to 2000 in 11.9 times and reached 40.3 % of total agricultural imports . The foreign trade balance in agricultural trade with the EU in 2000-2012 he was always positive in 2000 and amounted to 12.1 %, in 2012 - 18.4 % of the agricultural surplus. A completely different dynamics of foreign relations in Ukraine Agriculture is observed with CIS countries, including the Russian Federation. Thus, in 2000 the foreign trade turnover of Ukraine AIC with CIS countries was 50.8% , import - 18.4 % the figures on Russia international trade exchange is 28.7 %, export - 40.1 %, import - 10.7 %. In 2012 the foreign trade turnover of Ukraine AIC with CIS countries increased in 2000 compared ty 10.1 times, but the ITE structure in agriculture decreased by 2.2 times and amounted 17.8 %. Exports of agricultural products to CIS countries in 2000 was 50.8% , import - 18.4%. Thus, the structure of foreign trade, export and import of agricultural products the share of CIS countries in 2012 decreased compared to 2000, by 2.15 , 1.19 , 1.5 times accordingly and on the Russian Federation - by 2.59 , 3,5, 4,13 times. During 2000 - 2012 the foreign trade turnover of Ukraine agriculture increased by 10.1 times, export - 11.5, imports - 7.9 , the foreign trade deficit increased by 17.65 times and was $10.32 billion in 2012. The foreign trade balance of the national economy of Ukraine since 2005 has been negative and amounted $14.4 billion in 2012. Thus, formed on the basis of customs and tariff policy, the openness of the EU and Ukraine markets expresses the degree of integration of export potential , the degree of foreign economic activity and its capacity. Synchronization process acquires a new quality and becomes logically united and structural time factor.
There has been found out that to achieve the synchronization in the process of setting markets in the EU and in Ukraine we should upgrade the product range provided by the global market. For Ukraine it is crucial for solving the supernova on the issue of export commodities, due to specific comparative advantages and the negative impact on the economy as the increased supply of commodities causes significant reduction in their prices. The considered methodology of synchronization in the process of setting markets in the EU and Ukraine is profitable for the partner countries, and one of the specific problems of the synchronization processes is their coordination in dynamics and time. In all areas of Ukraine's integration with the EU one should not underestimate the possible detection of imbalances in the market area and the contradictions between national and supranational interests.
Key words: synchronization, integration, European Union, foreign trade ezchange, exports, imports, globalization , markets, equivalent exchange.
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