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Methodological approaches to evaluation of condition and effectiveness of usage of agricultural machinery
In conditions of globalization competitiveness of agriculture is determined by the level of its technical providing, effectiveness of technical resouses usage depends on technical providing fullness of agricultural enterprises. Securement of rational formation and usage of agricultutal machinery requires development of complex system of indexes, which would facilitate adjustment of operational control after reproduction process and obtaining of objective evaluation of technical providing and usage effectiveness of agricultural machinery. Methodological aspects of technical providing evaluation and effectiveness of technical resources usage shall be considered in complex and for an every separate part of it. The necessity of consideration of innovativity level of modern agricultural machinery (capacity and functionality), specifics of its usage at agricultural enterprises require reasoning of complex system of indexes of condition evaluation and effectiveness of usage of technical resouces.
The systematization of indexes of availability, disposal, upgrage and efficiency of machinery usage in agriculture was conducted by statistical and monographic research methods.
The article deals with generalization of methodology of condition evaluation and effectiveness of usage of agricultural machinery and complements the system of indexes with condideration of its modern features.
The transition to a market economy required new approaches to assessing the efficiency of technical resouces usage, which would consider foreign evaluation practice. Since agricultural enterprise in market conditions consideres production from commercial benefits side, evaluation of machinery should be considered as a resource base of income. That is why the producers are interested in technical and economic characteristics, such as a manufacturer of machinery, productivity, cost, maintainability, reliability, power consumption, cost of maintenance.
We assume that an economic assessment of technical providing and efficiency of its usage should be executed comprehensively. It is important to explore a technical base of agriculture from the perspective of a state, a region and an agricultural enterprise.
Significant reserves of more efficient usage of machinery is provided by the organization of its effective use, which should be analyzed in the following areas:
– technical;
– organizational and technological;
– social.
The methodological approach to assessment of efficiency of agricultural machinery usage provides a comprehensive evaluation on the scale of a state, a region and an enterprise, that makes it possible to draw objective conclusions and make informed management decisions. Systematized idexes of efficiency evaluation of agricultucal machinery require a detailed accounting of costs of service and maintenance. Considering the cost of fuel, maintenance and repairs, the cost of maintenance engineering services in farms, maintenance repair and technical workshop repair and service volumes of mechanized operations with regard to their cost enable to assess the efficiency of farm machinery. Further development of methodological evaluation of effective usage of machinery in the agricultural enterprises should take into account environmental requirements to conserve and improve soil fertility and minimize the negative impact of inputs on the environment.
Keywords: usage efficiency, agricultural machinery, mechanical operations, provision, structure and renewal optimization.
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