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Marketing sale politics features of the enterprise on the internet
The theoretical position of the essence determination of “marketing sale politics on the Internet” and its further development is described; it is the complex of marketing events on the Internet, which is sent to provide the delivery of the necessary consumer’s commodities by means of electronic facilities with the maximally possible service level through the Internet.
It was discovered, that today marketing sale politics on the Internet is an inalienable part of the business. According to the JFK Company data, 44% of the population of Ukraine use the Internet, more than 10% of them carry out the purchases (sales) of commodities on-line. According to the dynamics development analysis of the Internet-trade in Ukraine, the large prospects of marketing politics forming on distribution are certain on the Internet.
It was found that the realization of commodities on the Internet comes true through e-shops, as they have a lot of advantages compared to the traditional sales outlets: price, delivery in comfortable for the Internet-customer place, search and order of commodity at any time.
Nowadays a few classification signs of e-shops that help to understand the essence, scales and technologies of electronic commerce are distinguished. So, after a business-model distinguish cybermalls, that work fully on the Internet and e-shops that combine business of on-line to off-line. E-shops, shop-window, trade systems, trade rows, content projects can be distinguished on the Internet according to the method of retail goods. The forming of mutual relations with suppliers helps to classify e-shops as follows: shops, that have own warehouse (presence of the real commodity supplies) and shops that work on agreements with suppliers (absence of considerable commodity supplies). Consider that it is needed to add the level of automation the classification signs, in fact there are web-sites where commodity realization comes partly automated (shop-window) or fully automated (e-shop, trade internet-systems).
The important feature of marketing sale politics on the Internet is the use of calculation methods for the purchased commodity. The purchased commodity payment by a customer in e-shops can be: pre-pay and getting the commodity. The pre-pay variant is the way of payment when the information transfers over the Internet, money delivery can be ordinary or by express
mail, by means of the special agreements that give an opportunity to reserve the sums of purchase on the customer’s account with the actual transfer of costs after realization of delivery.
Although Ukrainians often do purchases in e-shops, the system of payments in a segment .ua functions problematically. The most widespread forms of commodities’ e-shop payment can be: payment by cash by courier delivery, payment by means of the electronic payment systems, getting commodities after payment on mail, payment by post-office account or by bank order.
There is statistics that testifies the grant of customers’ benefits in relation to the different forms of payment. There is a research, where is marked, that 54,6% of internet-customers prefer to pay by cash to the courier by commodity; 3,7% of internet-customers use pre-pay by bank order; 41,6% carry out after pay of their commodity on mail; only 2,1% internet-customers use the electronic payment systems.
It is important to mark, that forming of distribution marketing politics in the Internet is not possible without the Internet-mediators. Trade rows, auctions, trade grounds, informative mediators (content projects), are those Internet-mediators, the features of work of which must be be known and correctly use for an effective management during the products realization through the Internet.
The row of advantages of commodities realization is distinguished through the Internet as a perspective method of commodity delivery to the producer (mediator) to the consumer. Foremost this is the automated system of orders and decline of its management; possibility of the adjusted chart of commodity delivery; use of computer technologies for bringing the attention to the Internet-customers: creation of dynamic web-site with a comfortable navigation, introduction of electronic merchandising instruments; possibility of clients personalization; forming of considerably lower price on goods and services as a result of economy on unproductive charges; wide assortment of commodity line.
It is known that important advantage of commodities realization through on-line service is interactive stage that gives an opportunity of trade construction the Internet-communications. Trade communication of the Internet-relations is exchange information between a salesman and a customer that takes place as a result of their interactive cooperation.
Key words: Internet-trade, internet-mediators, e-shop, internet-customers.
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