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Manufacturing of organic swine production: external experience and challenges for Ukraine
The main factors that stimulate the management development of organic forms are systematized: the deterioration of the overall ecological situation, the increase in the demand for environmentally friendly products, the possibilities for expanding the export of organic products, allows obtaining higher profit levels, etc.
The approaches to legal regulation of organic products production in foreign countries and Ukraine have been generalized, which allowed to compare the order of organic products production (raw materials) of plant and animal origin, certification of organic farms and bringing organic products to the market.
It is substantiated that there is a need to establish a state monitoring of the pig products quality, which should include: regular inspection of the self-inspection plan; inspection of the industrial premises sanitary condition, adjoining territories, vehicles, forages, fodder additives and ingredients; testing of equipment, materials, substances and technological additives in contact with meat raw materials. It has been proved that the frequency and procedure for state monitoring is ensured taking into account the analysis and assessment of the risks associated with the maintenance of animals and the receipt of meat raw materials.
It is generalized that the strategic priorities of the organic pig production development is to increase the production of pig slaughter products, accordingly, it requires levers substantiation of the economic regulation to stimulate the producers of the sector in this direction. To sum up, there is a need to develop standards for the certification of animal origin organic products, namely, it is advisable to delimit the production of organic products (raw materials) and inorganic production in the regulatory and legal framework; utilization of waste and by-products of plant and animal origin in the process of organic products production, etc.
It is proved that the low demand of consumers in the domestic market makes producers of organic products, including pigs, to focus on the markets of other countries. Measures to motivate foreign investors in the production of organic meat in Ukraine could become one of the most effective instruments for the intensification of organic pig production, and in the future, it could deliver its supplies to foreign markets, but realize it itself. It is obvious that in this approach there is a possibility of increasing value added in the supply chain of organic pig production, provided that the domestic processing capacity of organic produce and organic meat products is adjusted internally.
Key words: organic pig breeding, organic livestock breeding, state regulation, control, ecology.
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