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Management of investment processes to reproduce the resource potential of agricultural enterprises
The article considers the components of investment management processes to reproduce the resource potential of agricultural enterprises, which include investment strategy, principles and methods of management, objects and subjects of management.
It is generalized that expanded reproduction is a constantly regenerative process of conducting production activities on an increased scale, which in agricultural enterprises is carried out under the influence of bioclimatic, economic, social factors that determine its specificity and characterize the use of resources and production and economic relations.
It is argued that the resource potential of an agricultural enterprise should be considered as a set of labor, material, intangible, financial, innovative and managerial resources of a certain quantity and quality, which will help achieve development goals taking into account natural, climatic and economic conditions.
The constituent elements of management of investment processes of reproduction of resource potential of agricultural enterprises are substantiated, which include: investment strategy, management goals, management factors, principles and methods of management on factors, management resources.
The set of principles as a basis of tools of development and realization of investment strategy is systematized and supplemented by general economic principles and principles of planning, principles of coherence of investment strategy. .It is offered at development of investment strategy to supplement the allocated principles with the principle of a priority of a choice of directions of investment activity that will allow to allocate projects of the priority realization which correspond to the strategic purposes of the enterprise.
It is argued that the specifics of investment activities of agricultural enterprises are due to the following factors: natural and climatic conditions, organizational and economic mechanism of management, investment climate (regulatory regulation of investment), and features of agriculture. It is highlighted that the main task of investment activity as an element of the reproductive system of the enterprise is to create sufficient resources at the initial stage - on the terms of simple reproduction, at the second stage - on the terms of expanded reproduction.
Key words: management, investment, reproduction, resource potential, agricultural enterprise.
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