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In the context of easing the dependence of most countries of the world on the import of fossil energy sources, a complex of systematic research on the search and effective use of renewable energy sources, in particular the development of the biofuels industry, is a necessary direction. An urgent problem need arises for the parallel implementation of the policy of diversification of supply and efficient use of fuel and energy resources with the active introduction of competition policy and infrastructure reforms in the economic and energy sector. Economically developed countries pay significant attention to energy supply on the basis of sustainable development, which determines the urgency of developing an integrated system of directions and priorities for the formation of Ukraine's energy security on the basis of its own biofuels production.
The purpose of research is to provide scientific and practical substantiation and systematization of organization and innovative aspects of effective regulation of the development of competitive biofuels production in Ukraine at different levels of management.
The methodical and practical experience of Ukrainian scientists concerning the division of Ukraine into natural-economic region was used. The methods of system analysis, monographic, graphical and abstract-logical are applied.
The development of national biofuels production contributes to the efficient use of scientific, economic and labor potential and provides optimization of biofuel specialization areas. On the basis of the natural-economic region, it is necessary to form the main economic-energy proportions of macro-regional development and carry out balance calculations of production and consumption of biofuels. The formation of competitive biofuels production should be based on the principles of independence, self-sufficiency, accessibility and quality, based on clusterization processes.
It is necessary to intensify the processes of increasing the volume and share of renewable energy consumption, giving priority to the development of the biofuels industry. Biofuels are a significant innovative contribution to the local energy supply of natural-economic regions, areas, administrative districts and individual agro-industrial enterprises to increase the competitiveness of manufactured products.
Keywords: economic development, management, state energy policy, renewable energy, biofuels industry, natural-economic region.
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