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Logistics distribution centers as a tool for attracting small agricultural producers in agri-food supply chains

  It is proved that modern logistics distribution centers play an important role in the formation of added value in agri-food supply chains and the inclusion of small agricultural producers in competitive supply chains. The classification of logistics centers are carried out and approaches to their definition are systematized. The stages of evolution of sales and distribution of agricultural products on the basis of cooperation, logistics distribution centers are analyzed and the conclusion on the need to create such centers in the sale of agricultural products is made. The foreign practice of creation of logistic distribution centers of agricultural products is generalized, and also criteria of their characteristic are allocated. It is argued that the main purpose of creating logistics distribution centers for agricultural products is to establish economic partnerships between producers and consumers, reduce transaction costs, create conditions for the inclusion of small producers in competitive supply chains, ensuring transparency of food, quality and safety. It is proposed to consider the logistics distribution center of agricultural products and food as an object of providing comprehensive logistics services and coordination of transportation, finishing (drying, sorting, etc.), storage, sales, as well as support for financial, customs operations, marketing research, providing information support, etc. The factors hindering the inclusion of small producers in agri-food supply chains are systematized, and the requirements of retail chains for the supply of agricultural products are highlighted, which highlights the existing difficulties that can be solved by creating logistics distribution centers. Models of formation of logistics centers are considered and the formation of a logistics distribution center of agricultural products on the basis of public-private partnership is substantiated, which unites in one chain all logistics, production processes, as well as sales, including and commodity exchange.

Key words: logistics distribution center, agri-food supply chains, small producers, logistics services.


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