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Labor and employee accounting calculations in modern terms
The employee payment is one of the most critical areas of accounting, which contains a number of unsolved problems. The aim of the study is to investigate the theoretical and practical principles of accounting with employees in today's achievements and proposals for their solution.
Labor costs represent a significant portion of expenses, which leads to the need of accurate, timely and detailed mapping of these costs in the accounting and reporting.
The basis of remuneration is in the business tariff system, which includes: tariff rate, the system of bonuses, contract system, the system of labor contracts and government regulations.
The reason for the transfer of an employee and start calculating wages have ordered the enterprise, designed the application. The order payroll to the employees depends on the form of wages, which is used in the enterprise and organizations perform for the most jobs.
The company records the number of workers and employees, their wages should be documented, reliable and equal in all areas of management. It is necessary to ensure the unity of different accounting systems in the enterprise: accounting, operational and statistical.
Despite the considerable attention to the problems of keeping wage, one of the biggest unsolved problems is the considerable amount of remuneration which is not reflected in the accounting and reporting, which adversely affects the accuracy of the data recording and reporting, causes growth of the shadow economy can not make informed management decisions.
The emergence of this situation is related to imperfect institutional environment in Ukraine. In connection with this, work is not seen as a source of affluence, and as a source of significant costs and losses for the company. This situation creates the conditions to minimize payment and consequently labor costs, which results in higher unemployment.
To ensure the efficient functioning of the economy, increase productivity and equitable distribution of the labor necessary to create an enabling institutional environment. Properties of existing institutions significantly affect the characteristics of the economic performance.
It should be noted that the efficiency of the economy by the quality of the institutions is achieved primarily by reducing transaction costs. It is also important to emphasize that the tax evasion also leads the level increasing of transaction costs related to the so-called «illegality price» because expenditure display significant enterprise is a prerequisite for its successful operation in the future.
In our opinion, the transaction costs can be defined as overhead costs, providing enterprise interaction with the environment (contractors) to the transaction and include the costs of the information search, negotiation, contracting and ensure their implementation.
Key words: institutional environment, accounting, payment, payments of workers, transaction costs.
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