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Innovative approaches to improve the mechanism of management of enterprise on processing of agricultural products
The research objective consists in theoretical justification and determine if you will use innovative approaches to improve operational management at the enterprises for processing of agricultural products.
Materials and methods of research. For theoretical and methodological base of the research taken from the works of Russian and foreign scientists on the need to use innovative tools of management. The study used modern methods of scientific and economic knowledge of the socio-economic phenomena and sank: historical and monographic, dialectical and abstract-logical, graphical, etc.
To retain a high level of competitiveness of economic entities of the processing industry has to stay ahead of their competitors not only in terms of production technologies and parameters of the main operating activities, but also the quality of management system.
For economic policy priority the strategic priority is the innovative development of the economy. Ensuring effective activity of the enterprises for processing of agricultural products requires significant changes and offer innovative, qualitatively different from existing organizational management structures. The analysis of world experience of management suggests the application of innovation as uncontested, an integral and important component of the national policy of any country.
The article considers and substantiates the necessity of introduction of innovative approaches to the formation mechanism of operational management at the enterprises for processing of agricultural products. In the process of the study is to define requirements for improving operational management, taking into account peculiarities of production in enterprises of the processing industry. It is established that the mechanism of operative management should be considered as a complex organizational system, which is an active element of the management process in the enterprise. Based on the research summarized that the improvement of management mechanism creates the prerequisites for the effective use of innovative tools.
It is determined that practical application of the generated mechanism requires adaptation to the conditions and peculiarities of management of the enterprises for processing of agricultural products. The improved mechanism is a system of economic, organizational, technical and legal means to ensure timely implementation of tasks of operational management at the enterprises of processing industry, providing the best combination of modern managerial methods and techniques in the process of raw material procurement, production and sales enterprises.
As a result of systematic research priority directions of perfection of mechanism of operational management in enterprises processing agricultural products.
It is established that the success of the activities of the enterprise depends not only on the correctness of managerial decisions, but also on the ability to integrate and combine the internal production processes of restructuring and development of managerial process by formation of the effective mechanism of operational management. Determined that the performance of the production in processing plants depend on a functioning system of operational control, which should ensure a rapid response to changes in the external and internal environment, the correlation of industrial activity. As a result of systematic research priority directions of perfection of mechanism of operational management in enterprises processing agricultural products.
The system of indicators of operational management which reflects key aspects of the processing plant. According to the results of the evaluation management develops recommendations and proposals for improving the effectiveness of the administrative machinery.
It is established that functioning in the enterprises for processing of agricultural products the operational control system is formed, typically hierarchically with the distribution functions for centralized and decentralized control.
Determined that the implementation of innovative approaches for improvement of the mechanism of operational management in the enterprise for processing of agricultural products to achieve the potential and actual effect, which is reflected in certain indicators. The real effect is achieved in a short time as a result of executing the corresponding management actions and is evident in the quality performance of the entity processing industry: providing quality raw materials, reduction of production costs, reduction of production costs, growth in sales of finished products and the like.
Key words: innovative approaches, enterprise for processing of agricultural products, mechanism of operational management, business process management.
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