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Informational analytical providing the management of competability of poultry products under globalization
The peculiarities of the effective system of information-analytical maintenance of competitive poultry products in the context of globalization have been considered in the article.
The author analyzes the level of competitive relations in the Ukrainian poultry products market and it was established that the market characterized by monopolistic competition, oligopoly which is close to the limit. Having identified several key players among tested products it was found out that it can dictate market conditions.
The survey of global market agro-industrial food products shows that nowadays globalization is an indispensable thing for the world economy and it determines the direction of further development of market relations, especially active in these processes since the second half of the twentieth century.
The formation of global food markets is the result of globalization influence. The immediate manifestation of this process was the aggravation of international competition. However the expansion of markets leads to the specialization and the international division of labor. In this turn, effective incentive increase food productions at the national and global levels are appeared. As a result consumers get better products at lower prices.
Having conducted by the author analyzes of the global level production and the consumption poultry meat is evidence of its growth with simultaneous differentiation of its per capita.
A steady trend expansion of the world trade due to the increasing role of transnational corporations (TNCs) was investigated by the author. Especially these processes are evident in the development of poultry products.
At the present stage international trade of poultry production development is impossible without the implementation process of cooperation and trade. Production internationalization is a manifestation of markets poultry products globalization.
During the period of investigation Ukraine was characterized by the same trends at the market of poultry products and at the global market.
The increasing production and marketing of poultry promote competition among investigated products. In addition to this it has a significant impact on competition in the poultry export and import relations. Under these conditions, competitiveness is a key factor to success.
The competitiveness of agro-industrial food products is a combination of quantitative, qualitative and organizational characteristics that in a competitive market environment allow the goods in a particular market segment gain competitive advantage in meeting the relevant requirements of a particular social group of consumers.
One of the main indicators of economic competitiveness objects at any level is inherited competitive advantages that mean such products properties which are absent or less dominated in the competitor.
To effectively manage the competitive advantages of poultry products is to create a fruitful system of information and analytical support.
The information-analytical maintenance development of poultry meat competitiveness activates the European integration processes in the economy of our country and also domestic companies find ways to enter the world market.
To assess the nature of competitive relations in the domestic poultry meat products market we calculated indices of market concentration.
Thus, the domestic poultry meat products market is quite high intensity competition. Under these conditions, the increasing competitiveness of its products is a key factor in effective management and it requires thoughtful management which should be followed with high-quality information and analytical support.
Key words: information and analytical support, competitiveness, globalization.
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