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Improvement of seeds e-shops economic efficiency evaluation
The researchers introduce a standardized set of factors for sites assessment: use simplicity, information quality, response speed, appearance, security/privacy, interactivity, confidence, quality, personalization, advertising/promotion, technologies used.
In order to increase the economic impact of the e-commerce introduction investments are necessary. In our study we have defined the factors affecting the economic efficiency of investments aimed at creating an e-shop.
The effectiveness of the online trading company can be measured by a number of marketing organizational factors, through its software and technical support, functionality, customer service, considering a user opinion and some other criteria. They should include the common components of a web shop which affect directly its economic efficiency as a whole. This is a sufficient condition for the existence and use of unique criteria. The percentage of the weight test is the criterion impact on the overall economic efficiency of the store.
A prerequisite for the use a criterion is its independence of any other criterion. The uniqueness and independence terms enabled us to select nine specific criteria of economic efficiency of online stores.
The effectiveness of the online trading company can be measured by a number of factors organizational marketing, software and technical support, functionality, customer service, account user opinions and some other criteria. They should include common components store directly affect its economic efficiency as a whole. This is a sufficient condition for the existence and use of unique criteria. The impact of the criterion on the overall economic efficiency of the store – a percentage test weight.
A prerequisite for the use of the criterion of independence from any other criterion. Terms of uniqueness and independence enabled us to select nine specific criteria of economic efficiency of online stores.
The article considers the criteria of an e-shop efficiency of through relevance criteria improving and inclusion the advertising costs factor. In one of the considered variants of the methods of effectiveness evaluating suggested by Sherdani the share of the tested components is calculated as the ratio of arithmetic values. The study suggested to calculate the ratio of the efficiency testing components in proportion to the value of the correlation coefficient between the values of the studied parameters and values turnover of some subset analysis of available stores.
Having changed the method of calculating the relevance criterion according to the effects of the factors examined using the correlation analysis, we gives the factors in the following way:
R = 2/5∑bi qi +2/5∑ri ki +1/5∑ai ki .
Thus, we obtain the average ratings of online retailers in accordance with the economic efficiency criteria.
The correlation analysis between the efficiency criteria calculated under this methodology and the turnover of the relevant Internet shops increased from R = 0,5 by Sherdani criterion to R = 0,76 in the proposed method. Thus, the correspondence between the e-shop efficiency and the developed indicator increased by 26%.
Keywords: e-shop, website, e-commerce, market, the Internet, efficiency criterion.
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