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The formation of the marketing-mix for main and by-products of enterprises of sugar beet subcomplex

One of the important branches of agricultural production is sugar beet subcomplex, which production has strategic importance for the country. Because of sugar beet production in Ukraine is one of the priority sectors of the national economy and it is aimed to ensuring of food security, then the problem of effective management of raw materials, production process of the main and by-products, sales are important for sugar producers and the state. During the last decade the transformation of the Ukrainian economy from administrative management to the market system took place, resulting reorientation of all components of economic mechanism to find new levers counteract negative factors and management of the internal environment. One of these alternatives is to introduce principles of marketing activities in agroindustrial formations, mainly in activity enterprises of the sugar beet subcomplex. Based on the opinion of ukrainian scientists and practical experience we argue that marketing as a scientific category is the system of interrelated methods, principles and tools of management of enterprises and organizations, that based on market economic laws and concepts of customer satisfaction, and also of producers and whole society. The current situation in the sugar beet subcomplex requires the use of rational methods of management of enterprises. Implementation of the developed complex of marketing activities for main and by-products the enterprise of sugar beet subcomplex will increase the efficiency of enterprises and carry out the effective management of the main areas of management of enterprises of sugarbeet industry. Marketing-mix for the main products enterprises of the sugar beet subcomplex - sugar, directed at the improvement of its basic components - product, pricing, sales policy, marketing communications and application component «People» of enterprises. For successful implementation of the strategy maintaining competitive advantage enterprises of sugar beet subcomplex was develop following marketing activities: 1) Improving product policy the investigated enterprises directed on improving the quality of sugar. The primary task of improving the quality of sugar is increasing the degree of purification. The extensions product lines enterprises of beet sugar subcomplex provides complex application of provides diversification of commodity production and use of «White Label». 2) Improving the price policy enterprises of beet sugar subcomplex involves the use of basic strategy of market prices, that focus on the average prices. Also it is nesessary to use direct and indirect methods of marketing pricing, price forecasting based on econometric modeling. 3) Improving of distribution policy provides the introduction of niche marketing strategy, effective management of logistics channels and use internet marketing to sales activity.
4) Using of marketing communications provides creating a positive image for the enterprises of beet sugar subcomplex, the use incentives of measures. 5) Component "People" includes effective use of human potential enterprises beet sugar subcomplex and interaction with partners. An important element for the implementation of bioethanol is «Probe» (approbation), which provides its testing process by all participants of the implementation process, such as test products for quality and conformity for use. Developed marketing-mix for pulp and molasses production activities provides concentrating on the traditional marketing mix of their maximum use and combination in the implementation. As a result of the research it should be noted that the developed complex of marketing for main products - sugar, alternative production – bioethanol, by- products - pulp and molasses can develop marketing activities for enterprises of sugar-beet subcomplex. The proposed marketing-mix allows to adapt production and sale processes in investigated enterprises to modern market requirements and conditions of the marketing environment.

Keywords: marketing, marketing mix, adapted marketing mix, sugar beet subcomplex enterprises, the main and sideline products, sugar, bioethanol, pulp, molasses.

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