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Features of formation and usage of technical potential by agrucultural enterprises

Ensuring of agricultural enterprises competitiveness is directly related to creation, strengthening and achieving continuous recreation of technological capabilities. This improvement of formation and usage processesat agricultural enterprises requires usage of highly technical systems, machinery and equipment, usage of modern technologies of growing crops and animals. Without science-based organization of recreation of technical potential of agricultural enterprises components by identification of specific factors and characteristics which affect the process of reproduction, improving elements of technical potential, identifying sources to ensure expanded reproduction is not possible to ensure the effective functioning of businesses.

This article aims to systematize factors which affect formation and use of components of technical potential of farms and determine vector and force of their influence on recreation process.

Machine-tractor fleet of most agricultural enterprises, machine-technological stations and farms is physically and morally obsolete. However, its condition was recognized satisfactory by 74% of respondents (including 74% of agricultural enterprises, 70% of the machine-technological stations and 86% of farms) and 86% of all respondents considered repair base condition of their businesses satisfactory.

One of the main problems of agricultural development is high rate of machinery disposal. Actual rate of disposal of vehicles is 8-11% per year, which is more than two times higher than the rate of fleet renewal (4% per year). As logical consequence of that we can consider fast reduction of machine-tractor fleet.

Means of production in operation process have an ability to stale over time. During this period machinery, participating in production process, brings the most benefit with the least cost. Outside of this period use of means of production is less efficient, which necessitates their replacement with new ones or refurbishment of existent.

During the study we generalized the scientific sources, which study issues of reproduction in agriculture, identified and systematized factors that influence each phase of reproduction process of agricultural enterprises means of production. Notably, complete reproduction cycle includes four main phases that form the system of reproduction of means of production: production, distribution, exchange, and consumption. Full cycle of reproduction, that occurs within four interrelated phases, has a certain time lag and set time phases implemented at different times. Imperfect mechanism that provides full cycle of reproduction of means in agriculture requires an adequate mechanism that takes into account macroeconomic and structural proportions of recreation.

So, features of the processes of machinery and technology recreation in agricultural production are they can be implemented in the following forms: partial recovery of fixed assets based on repairs; replenishment and renewal of mechanical means by simple or qualitatively new replacement. Factors affecting the main phases of the reproductive process of technical support are divided into external and internal. Among the most important in current conditions are: interest rate for loans, inflation, uncertainty and risk, leasing, physical and moral state of machinery. As a result of action of many factors it is needed to develop a rational policy of machinery reproduction process in agriculture.

Key words: agricultural machinery, material and technical base, wear and teer, recreation process.

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