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European supporting programs and their opportunities for Ukrainian business development
The European integration process plays a special and extremely important role in international cooperation. The integration
provides the ability to move to a higher level of international activity including socio-economic integration, business
development, the formation of common security space as well as humanitarian and civilizational interaction.
The European choice of Ukraine is a political and economic consequences of the independence gained by the country,
foundations of foreign policy reflecting the vital interests of Ukraine. European integration course is a strategic goal of the
public policy.
In 2014, the European Union and Ukraine signed the Association Agreement, which is a new stage in the development
of EU-Ukrainian relations. The political part of the Association Agreement between the EU and Ukraine was signed on
March 21, 2014, the economic parts – on June 27, 2014. The Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU will
come into force after its ratification by all the Member States/ that is why Ukraine is on the verge of integration processes
from the partnership to association, under which Ukraine will receive additional opportunities to deepen its new quality
relations in the form of bilateral and multilateral partnership with the EU.
Chapter VI of the Association Agreement, "Financial Cooperation" outlines the mechanism and ways to provide financial
assistance from the European Union, the priority areas of its provision to be identified in the relevant indicative programs.
The EU assistance will be implemented in close cooperation and coordination with other countries – donors and
organizations – the donors and international financial institutions in accordance with the international principles of aid effectiveness.
Providing appropriate conditions for the development and SMEs performance increase through reducing the regulatory
barriers and setting an efficient system of state support will result in the the whole country competitiveness increase and
attract foreign investments for the development of national business.
Signing the Agreement with the European Union allows Ukrainian enterprises to participate in international programs.
There are several types of grants for Ukrainian enterprises. The biggest ones in terms of funding are the EU programs. First
of all, it is "Horizon 2020" comprising 689 competitions in various areas, mainly for companies that can offer new solutions
in various fields, improve living standards in general or for certain categories of people. COSME European project is an EU
program aimed at creating favorable conditions for small and medium enterprises (SMEs), implemented within the strategy
"Europe 2020".
Also, available are grants for priority business areas, such as agricultural enterprises of light industry and IT companies.
There are also programs of unlimited duration devised to provide business development. In addition to irrevocable
financing, European international organizations can support business with the loans available for both small business and
specific industries companies support, the activities of which are aimed at solving social and environmental problems.
Thus, Ukraine has a clear development strategy outlined in the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement , namely a list of
system reforms to be implemented by the Government to achieve and the European standards to be followed by all
government agencies.
Key words: financial security, European integration, national business, government support, European program, Association
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