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Business analysis as a basis of development of the digital economy
It has been established that in the modern world it is impossible to imagine the development of the economy of individual countries, industries, companies, enterprises without using the results of business analysis and their rapid implementation in real projects. Using analytical calculations is becoming increasingly necessary both in a conventional classical economy and the one that comes to replace it - digital, with special attention being paid to business - the driving force of the economy of the whole society.
It has been proven that one of the advantages of the digital economy is the ease and availability of obtaining information for conducting its own research, which in turn is also a significant drawback: it becomes more and more problematic to process large amounts of source information with each subsequent period.
Based on the company's business intelligence model cited by the author, it can be seen that providing information and the need for it has a multidirectional focus: top managers and information managers are involved in developing a business strategy, its formation, implementation of business processes, ETL developers, database experts. data — by collecting data, turning it into an accessible and usable form; IT professionals — building data sources and IT infrastructure, then the analyst’s task is to directly analyze In general, as a result, information and knowledge are created that unites a business-oriented and technical-oriented environment.
The digitization of the economy involves the use of business methods in business intelligence - computer methods and tools (they are used by organizations to translate business transactional information into a form that people could read, while it was used by business analysis), as well as tools to work with arrays of processed information.
The introduction of all these activities in the business environment requires appropriate staffing with a special level of knowledge, with a high level of "creativity", analytical thinking and the like. Entering the era of the global economy, international business receives problems inherent in all its spheres, but first of all, it concerns the training of highly qualified personnel, which in many industries are sorely lacking, and in some not at all.
Consequently, in today's economic realities, we are witnessing the transition of the classical economy to a new kind - digital, the main manifestations of which are informatization, globalization, the use of IT technologies, and the like. This leads to the fact that the analysis of economic and business processes using the achievements of modern knowledge will allow both improving the efficiency of business processes and bringing the economy to a qualitatively new scientific level; It is worth noting that the preparation of highly qualified personnel for business analysis is one of the priorities of modern higher scientific institutions, and industry institutions.
Keywords: business analysis, business technology, digital economy, implementation of a business project, training.
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