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Analysis of differences in farm animal welfare legislation between Ukraine and European Union

Made comparative analysis of the legislation of Ukraine and the EU on the farm animal welfare, which indicates that the problem solution of the humane attitude to animals is an important factor in their domestic and foreign policy.

Problem, analysis of recent research and publications. Adaptation of Ukrainian legislation to the EU legislation is the primary component of the process of integration of Ukraine into the European Union, that is a priority of Ukrainian foreign policy.

Analysis of the legislation of Ukraine adequacy to EU legislation in the health of people, animals, plants, was introduced in 2010 by Gubskuy S., Inshyn M. and etc [2]. This paper presented a whole husbandry area, but farm animal welfare is given little attention.

The aim was to analyze the legislation of Ukraine concerning the welfare of farm animals and to conduct its comparative analysis with EU FAW legislation.

Research materials served Ukrainian and EU legislation concerning the welfare of farm animals.

Research methods used in this study: theoretical, inductive and statistics.

The Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union gives us opportunities for political and economic development. Ukraine is an agrarian country, so agreement will promote the comprehensive development of the agricultural sector and entering Ukrainian livestock products to the European market. The Agreement focuses not only on trade of animal products, but also on the farm animal welfare subject. There are sections where there is a direct requirement of animal welfare, as well as sections that are indirectly related to the subject.

The legal base of Ukraine on animal welfare is now at the stage of formation. February 21, 2006 adopted the Law of Ukraine №3447-IV «On Protection of Animals from Cruelty», which aims to protect animals from suffering and deaths as a result of abuse and protection of their natural rights and strengthening social morality and humanity. Certain aspects of animal welfare are also enshrined in the Laws of Ukraine «On Fauna», «On Protection of Environment», «On Veterinary Medicine», «On Ensuring Sanitary аnd Epidemiological Welfare оf Population», «On Population Protection Against Infectious Diseases», etc., and another legal acts. Also should be noted that these regulations contain only general, declarative provisions on the protection of animals without their specific application.

Analysis of the national law regulations suggests the low level of compliance with the regulations of EU legal acts. On the one hand, the Law of Ukraine «On Protection of Animals from Cruelty» and Order «Procedure for the Use of Animals in Agriculture» presented fundamental principles of animal welfare. But it did not take into account all the requirements of acquis communautaire, and the absence of law development in the by-law appointed legal acts, according to which can be provided the practical activities of keeping, transporting, slaughter, etc., makes regulations declarative. On the other hand, other legislation such as veterinary and sanitary regulations, departmental rules are purely technological documents and do not meet the goals and objectives of the EU Directives on farm animal welfare. Thus, we can state that there are contradictions and inconsistencies between national and European legislation.

In view of the above, it is necessary to develop specific regulations to protect different types of farm animals that will meet the relevant EU legislation.

Keywords: legislation of Ukraine, EU Directives, farm animals, animal welfare.

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