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Аgricultural enterprises on the post reform stage of the development

The Ukrainian political independence was the impetus for the transfer of its economy on entirely new principles of development. In agriculture, they are most fully revealed in a deep reform of the agricultural sector, which led to the transformation of property relations in land and property of former state and collective farms and their transformation into a market-agricultural farm business types.

The purpose of this writing is to study the stages and factors of scientific and methodological support for the post-reform agricultural development and development on the basis of the data obtained proposals and measures to improve their future development.

Socio-economic efficiency of enterprises is far behind the potential of the agricultural sector of Ukraine and the needs of the time for all, without exception, the testimony − the volume of agricultural production, its structure and quality, production efficiency and other criteria. While in most cases the focus is mainly on quantitative post-reform development, the increase and output. Despite the justification of this approach, it becomes evident the need for the simultaneous inclusion in the development of the agricultural sector and other indicators of post-reform production in rural areas.

Equally important is the other component − organizational (organizational and a security). Experience shows that any systematic, including the post-reform development, justified its purpose, it should work (function) in the following organizational principles: 1) the effect of all components of the system must be shown in a certain direction and ensure the formation of the basis of a single coherent mechanism of the system and its subsystems, and 2) simultaneous or clearly technologically or organizationally specific order to include all components of the production process, and 3) the performance of each of its elements a certain objective function: degree of unity and correlation-based character sets, completeness and depth of scientific and methodological support agricultural development.

The study of causal relationships in the post-reform development led to the need to consider monitoring as an effective factor in increasing the efficiency of agricultural enterprises. For this purpose, reasonable conclusion on the definition of its internal essential features. Among the various approaches to the understanding of the essential monitoring option was chosen, which is seen as a continuous monitoring circuit (cycle) of the procedures performed by a single organization and methodical plan to achieve the ultimate goal. However, as shown by further studies must satisfy the following requirements. First, because of the continuity of the enterprise, the monitoring process should be permanent. Second, depending on the specific needs of monitoring and its goals, it must encompass not only the company as a whole, but also its individual components. Third, keep in mind that at each step or sub-step in front of businesses will arise new problems that need to improve monitoring not only in form but also allow for it to conduct sophisticated scientific and methodological basis. This approach to understanding monitoring becomes an important methodological component of a fuller and deeper understanding of the results and post-reform of agricultural enterprises of Ivano-Frankivsk region.

Based on the above, the following are particularly important factors of scientific and methodological support for the post-reform agricultural development: 1) a comprehensive scientific and applied wasting of each component change that in the practical implementation must be focused and firmly secured organizational and methodical; 2) a sufficiently high degree of coherence of all components of agrarian transformations involved in converting a single process; 3) the strategic orientation of each element of transformation to achieve the ultimate goal; 4) progressive social orientation of the post-reform, which requires appropriate accountability reforms.

Key words: agricultural enterprises, post reformed development, organizational principles, productive-economic, structure, systematization.


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